
发布 2020-12-02 23:51:28 阅读 5297



w___ther(天气) l __tt __r(信rm (房间)

noi噪音) c __t __h (抓,捉) h __p (帮助)

二 、在小写字母旁边,写出相应的大写字母。(6分)


)1. b c d2. e j f3. w x y

)4. o q p5. l m n6. c d e

)7. h i j8. r t s9. v w x


)1. a. cold b. sunny

)2. a. listen b.

)3. a. three b. penc. ten

)4. a. here b. therec. he

)5. a. piano b. cdc. flute

)6. a. pe b. english c. play

)7. a. mother b. fatherc. teacher

)8. a. cat b. dressc. duck


)1. let’s go __the park.

a. to b. in c. /

)2. it’s hot and it’s

a. sun b. suny c. sunny

)3. i am doinghomework.

a. i b. me c. my

)4. i am __a picture.

a. draws b. drawing c. to drawing

)5you playing football?

yes, i am.

a. do b. are c. can

)6. mike isa blue shirt.

a. wear b. wears c. wearing

)7. it’s 8 o’clock. hurry

a. on b. up c. in

)8. listen! whosongs in the classroom?

a. is singing b. sings c. singing

) mr wolf?

a. an b. the c. /

)10amy like english?

a. do b. does c. is

)11. what do you dochinese new year?

a. to b. of c. at

)12england, we h**e christmas.

a. in b. on c. at

)13do you go to school?

a. what b. where c. how

)14. i walk to schoollingling.

a. with b. and c. by

)15. “t”is for

a. book b. teddy c. apple

)16. they are good

a. footballer b. football c. footballers


1. i usuallymy bike.(ride)

2. he usuallyup at 6 o’clock. (get)

3. look! lingling is skipping. daming isfootball. (play)

4. i amtv . watch)

5. we arebooks. (read)


1. damingplaying football.

2. wemrs li.

3. my motherred dress.

4. lingling and damingeating oranges.

5. teacherreading books.


)1. is it colda. i play football.

)2. what’s the timeb. on the playground.

)3. what do you do at the weekendc. yes,it is.

)4. where do you play footballd. it’s half past 7.

)5. do you want to play with use. yes, i do.

)6. i watch tv in the eveningf. 周末愉快。

)7. h**e a good weekendg. 来和我玩吧!

)8. how about youh. 她听cd吗?

)9. come and play with mei. 你怎么样?

)10. does she listen to cdsj. 我在晚上看电视。


)1. 玲玲正在玩跳绳。

a. lingling is skipping. b. lingling is skiping.

)2. 她正在做什么?

a. what’s she doingb. what’s he doing?

)3. 你正在做作业吗?

a. do you do your homework? b. are you doing your homework?

)4. 她正在听收音机。

a. she’s listening to the radio. b. she’s listening to cd.

)5. 天气怎么样?

a. what’s the weather like? b. what’s she like?


)1. 你怎么去上班?

a. how do you go to workb. what do you go to work?

)2. 在周日你做什么?

a. what do you do on sunday? b. what does your brother do?

)3. 你的妹妹住哪儿?

a. where do you liveb. where does your sister live?

)4. 你什么时候起床?

a. what time do you go to bed? b. what time do you get up?

)5. 晚餐你吃什么?

a. what do you h**e dinner? b. what do you h**e breakfast?


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