
发布 2020-12-02 23:52:28 阅读 2619

一、选出你听到的单词 (12分)

1 ( a left b right c west

2 ( a photo b picture c picnic

3 ( a class b cross c. cousin

4( )a help b her c here

5 ( a camera b card c catch

6 ( a dragon b draw c drink

7( )a her b here c hide

8 ( a ill b it c in

9 ( a left b lose c lost

10 ( a march b match c mother

11 ( a pain b play c playtime

12( )a race b rain c radio








( )1. a. sunny b. windy c. rain

( )2. a. drink b. talk c noise

( )3. a. him b. her c cook

( )4. a. up b. down c. station

( )5. a. left b. right c. factory

( )6. a. next to b. in front of c. of course

( )7. a. mother b. summer c. winter

( )8. a. fly b. class c. sleep

( )8. a. weather b. rain c. sun

( )write b. letter c. colour


( )1. now, its stopping the station.

a. to b. in c. at

( )2. its hot and its

a. sun b. suny c. sunny

( )are turning .

a. up b. around c. down

( )4. where are you ?

a. go b. goes c. going

( )5youre welcome.

a. thank you b. excuse me c. turn left

( )6. .wheres west lake road?

a. turn left b. thank you c. excuse me

( )7. go of the school. turn left. then go straight on.

a. out b. up c. on

( )8. where jess live?

a. do b. does

( )9. is my cousin lin.

a. it b. this c. he

( )10. the supermarket, please?

a. when b. where c. wheres

( )11. 今天是儿童节。

a. its childrens day. b. its chidrens day.

( )12. 1. 星期天我通常踢足球。

a. on sundays i usually play basketball.

b. on sundays i usually play football.

( )13. 他正在做作业。 a. hes doing his homework now.

b. hes not doing his homework now.

( )14. amy 正在跳舞。a. amy is singing a song. b. amy is dancing.


( )1. 你对这个城市非常了解。

a. you know the city. b. you know the city well.

( )2. 超市在**?

a. wheres the zoo ? b. wheres the supermarket?

( )3. 男厕所在**?

a. wheres the boys toilet, please? b. wheres the girls toilet please?

( )4. 冷天你穿什么?

a. what do you wear on hot days? b. what do you wear on cold days?

( )5. 你住在**?

a. where do you live? b. where does he live?


( )do you live? a. we are playing catch.

( )2. thank you. b. im talking to you.

( )3. where is apple street? c. i live in apple street.

( )4. nice to meet you. d. its sunny.

( )5. whats the weather like here in summer?. e. go out of the school. turn left.

( )6. wheres the toilet, please? f. im going to damings flat.

( )7. where are you going? g. nice to meet you, too.

( )8. what are you playing? h. yes, mum.

( )9. are you doing your homework? i. the girls toilet is over there.

( )10. what are you doing? j. you are welcome.


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