
发布 2020-12-02 23:59:28 阅读 9868




听力部分。. 听句子,给下面的**编号。(10分)


. 听句子,照例子连线。(15分)


) basketball

) car

) news***** ( 6. zoo park

) sundy8. monday sunday

)9. usually she


it is cold.

i am riding a bike.

no, he is swimming.

yes, mum.

she is jumping.

it is next to the tree.

i wear my shorts.

i like swimming in the summer.

a. what do you wear on hot days?

b. what do you like doing in summer?

c. what is amy doing?

d. where is the car?

e. are you doing homework?

f. is daming skiing?

g. what are you doing ?

h. what’s the weather like?


1. the children are going to __on children’s day.

2. where is the train going ?

it is going past the

3do you live ?

i live in___

4. where is the desk ?

it is __the bed.

5.__do you wear on sunny days ?

i wear my sunglasses.

6. what’s xiaoming doing?

he is.判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,是在()里写“y”,不是写“n”.(10分)

it is hot and sunny in summer. i wear my glasses and shorts. i usually go swimming in summer.

i like summer. in winter it’s windy. i usually fly a kite.

i don’t like winter. winter is cold.

) 1. it is hot in summer.

) 2. i wear hats in summer.

) 3. i usually swim in summer.

) 4. it is cold and windy in winter.

) 5. i don’t like summer.

听力材料 第一大题:listen and number.

no. one: this is for you, mum. happy birthday.

a birthday card. thank you, sam.

no. two: hi, i’m xiaohu from school tv.

it’s children’s day today. children are happy.

4、“体验化” 消费no. three: what are you doing?

we are late. hurry up! please finish your cake.

ead公司成功地创造了这样一种气氛:商店和顾客不再是单纯的买卖关系,营业员只是起着参谋的作用,顾客成为商品或者说是作品的作参与者,营业员和顾客互相交流切磋,成为一个共同的创作体no. four:

today he is not doing these things. he is ill. he is in bed.

no. five: let’s play clapping games. one two three four. i am opening the door.

1)**低no. six: what do you like doing in winter? i like skiing.

第二大题:listen and circle.


no. one: this is my camera. smile please.

no. two: the girl is next to the school.



no. three: the train is going down the hill.



no. four: look, he is reading a book.

no. five: excuse me, where’s the school. turn right.

no. six: what’s the weather like? it’s hot。

第三大题:listen and match. 听句子,照例子连线。请同学们准备好。

on sundays, i usually dance. but now i’m swimming.

on sundays, i usually play basketball. but today i am playing football.

2、**“适中化”on sundays, i usually row a boat. but now i’m listening to music.

8、你是如何得志diy手工艺制品的?on sundays, i usually read a book. but now i’m reading a news*****.

标题:上海发出通知为大学生就业—鼓励自主创业,灵活就业 2023年3月17日on sundays, i usually watch tv. but now i’m writing a letter.

on sundays, i usually tidy my room. but now i’m riding my bike.

1) 政策优势。



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