
发布 2020-12-02 23:58:28 阅读 2502


姓名分数。part 1 listening(听力部分)50%


二.listen and choose (听录音,找出听到的单词,将字母代号写在括号内) 12%

)1.. a. horse b. bear2. a. table b. desk

)3 a. skip b. swing4 a. cow b. chick

)5. a. rubber b. pencil6 a. quilt b. belt

三、listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的**) 12%

四、listen and choose (找出你听到的句子,将字母代号写在括号内)6%

)1. a. this is my room. b. this is my bed.

)2. a. i hear a pigb. i see a pig.

)3. a. look at the umbrella. b. there is an umbrella.

)4. a. sam can skipb. sam can swing.

)5. a. i’ve got a rubberb. i’ve got a pencil.

)6. a. turn on the tapb. turn off the tap.

part 2 writing(阅读部分)50%

一.read and choose (圈出不同类的词) 8%

1. flywalk floor swim

2. desktigerchick panda

3. orangecakebanana peach

4. lamptable rabbitsofa

5. pencilrubber rulersweet

6. bedsofaducktable

7. bus bird plane taxi

8. apple orange jelly banana

二.read and choose (选择填空,将字母代号填入括号内)12%

)1 .gospotty!

a. there b. here c. where

)2 .look at the bear. it’s

a. big and brown b. little and brown

c. big and grey

)3 .it’s so hotthe door, please.

a. clean b. open c. close

)4 .i brush my teeth __water.

a. by b. withc. in

)5me some milk.

a. take b. bring c. give

)6 . it’s 7 o’clock . please __up.

a. go b. get c .turn


spotty can climbi like to write.

spotty can swingi like to dance.

it’s a table.

it’s a lamp.

the pencil is under the book. i can ride.

the pencil is on the booki can fly.

四、write the letters.(写出相应的大小写字母)10%

1. p_ 2. q_ 5. v_

6. w_


part 1 listening(听力部分)


dog bag ride kite swing fly umbrella window tiger big

二、listen and choose (听录音,找出单词,将字母代号写在括号内)

bear desk skip cow rubber quilt

三、listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的**)

1. what do you see? i see a pig. 2. is this a panda? yes, it is.

3. i h**e got an umbrella4. she can skip.

5. there is a sofa in the room 6. what do you hear? i hear a plane.

四、listen and choose (找出你听到的句子,将字母代号写在括号内)

1. this is my room. 2.

i see a pig. 3. look at the umbrella.

4. sam can swing. i’ve got a rubber.

6. turn on the tapa b a b a a)


teaching plan subject module 1 unit 2 touch and feel 教材单元分析。学生情况分析 我的学生们都是对英语有着比较浓厚的兴趣,对新鲜事物有着强烈的好奇心,模仿能力也较强。通过一年半的 牛津英语 的学习,他们也养成了良好的英语习惯,主要表现在大多数能集中...


teaching plan subject module 1 unit 2 touch and feel 教材单元分析。学生情况分析 我的学生们都是对英语有着比较浓厚的兴趣,对新鲜事物有着强烈的好奇心,模仿能力也较强。通过一年半的 牛津英语 的学习,他们也养成了良好的英语习惯,主要表现在大多数能集中...


teaching plan subject 2b m1u1 what can you see?教材单元分析 1 学生情况分析。本单元是牛津小学英语 上海版 新教材2b的第一个单元,学生已经过了一年半的英语学习,对新教材的模式以及学习要求也已基本适应,对教材上的四会单词基本都能达到听,说,读,写,拼背...