
发布 2023-02-03 08:09:28 阅读 3094


a: excuseme, madam. where is the post office?

对不起,女士,请问邮局在**?b: oh,it's near the airport.


a: couldyou tell me how to get there? /couldyou tell me how can i get there?能告诉我怎么到那儿吗?

b: ok. goahead for about 100 meters. it's onyour left. you can't miss it.

往前走100米,它就在你的左手边,你不会错过的。a: doesthis road lead to the people's park,too?

i'm a stranger here.


b: people's park is quite far away fromhere.

不。人民公园离这儿挺远的。a: thenhow can i go there?那么我该怎么去那里呢?

b: well,go down this street, turn right at thesecond crossing and you will see a bus

stop. you can take no. 303 bus and get offatthe fifth stop.

then you will see thepeople's park on your left.




a: thankyou very much!太谢谢你了!

b: you'rewelcome. /my pleasure. bye-bye.不用谢。/不客气。a: bye!

其他表达】1. isthere a cafe/washing room/wc nearby?请问附近有咖啡吧/洗手间/厕所吗?

2. isthere a hotel / restaurant nearby?请问附近有旅馆/餐馆吗?

3. excuseme. could you tell me the way to theairport?


4. excuseme. which is the way to the no. 1middle school?

打扰一下,请问那条路到一中?去餐厅go to restaurant

a:there's no food at home. let's go out to eat.

家里没有食物了,去外面吃吧。b: whereshall we go to eat?


a: i'mhungry. let's go and eat in therestaurant.


b: thatrestaurant is very popular. let's eathere.


a: do youh**e a menu? let me look at the menufirst.

有菜单吗?我先看一下菜单。c: you are.好的,请看/给你。

a: do youwant to eat hot pot?想吃火锅吗?

b: idon't know what to eat. what is the mostpopular dish here?

我不知道吃什么。这里最受欢迎的菜是哪个?c: ofcourse boiled fish.当然是水煮鱼啦。

b: isthis dish spicy?这个菜辣吗?

c: alittle. what would you like to drink, sir?


do youh**e a tomato soup?有西红柿汤吗?c:

yes,we h**e.嗯,有的。

b: tom,would you like rice or dumplings?汤姆,你想吃米饭还是饺子?

a: i wanta bowl of pasta.我想要一碗意大利面。

b: me a bowl of dumplings. that's all.

好吧,那就给我来一碗饺子吧。就这些。c :

for a moment please.好的,请稍等一会儿。【其它表达】beijingduck北京烤鸭。

can iorder now?现在可以点餐了吗what isthis dish?这是什么菜?

this dishis delicious.这个菜真好吃。pay thebill买单。

oh, it'stoo expensive!哦,太贵了。

my treat./ it's on me./ it's my treat.我请客。

no, let'sgo aa.不,我们aa。

ok, nexttime it's on me.好吧,下次我请客。

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