学年闽教版四年级英语下册期中试卷 含听力材料

发布 2023-02-02 18:06:28 阅读 2311



听力部分 60%

一。听字母写单词,并在括号里写出中文意思。 12%

二、听音、选择你所听到的字母或单词。 8%

) b b. p2. b. j

三、听音标号。 8%

[{'w': 94, 'h': 71, 'datatype':

jpeg', c': word/media/',imgoriw': 941, 'imgorih':

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1. it’s ( seven thirty.

thirty-seven yuan.

2. how do you ( go to school.

come to school.

3. i’m going to ( the dining room.

the classroom.

4. he works( )in shanghai.

in beijing.

5. i need a present for ( my son.

my mom.

6. there is a dock ( on the wall.

on the table.

四、听音连线。10%a. b.

六、听问句选答句。10%x k b 1 .c o m

) to meet you to meet you too.

) go will running.

) a goes to school on foot.

) thirty-five yuan.

) need eggs,carrots and fish. are cooking.


) how much is it

) please line up here

) it’s eighty-nice yuan

笔试部分 40%

一、按字母表顺序写出5个元音字。 5%

二。抄写下面的单词和句子。注意大小写和标点符号,并在括号里写出中文意思。 12%

big ben kitchenpianofruit

will you go to england by plane

三。根据中文意思写出单词。 8%



四。选择填空, 并将其选项写在横线上。 5%

)1. i like

a. swimming b. swim

)2an apple on the table.

a. there is b. there are

) willbasketball .

a. gob. play

) h**eengland class today.

a. ab. an

) the fruit in the

五。找出每组中间不同类的单词抄在横线上。 6%


room 六、读一读。判断下列句子描述是否正确。正确的打“√”不正确的打“×”4%

) 1. the great wall is in beijing.

( )2. we can go swimming in summer.

( )3. we can go to england by plane.

( )4. summer is coming we’ll make snowmen.

听力材料。一。听字母写单词,并在括号里写出中文意思。 12%

table piano cup soap bathroom study


二、听音、选择你所听到的字母或单词。 8%

1、b 2、j 3、grass 4、day 5、mouth 6、year

7、cake 8、how (a-b-a-b-b-b-a-a)

三、听音标号。 8%

1、pe 2、computer 3、thirty 4、friday 5、hot day

6、doll 7、toy train 8、teddy bear (3-2-6-4-8-7-1-5)


1、it’s thirty-seven yuan.

2、how do you go to school.

3、i’m going to the dining room.

4、he works in beijing.

5、i need a present for my mom.

6、there is a dock on the wall.


part a 1、a: how do you go to work,mr. robot?

b: on monday i go to work on foot.

2、a: how do you go to work,mr. robot?

b: on tuesday i go to work by bike.


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