
发布 2020-10-21 05:23:28 阅读 2744


一、 根据汉语意思,选择正确的单词。(共15分)


) 2.在……上面

) 3.书包。

) 4.在……中间

) 5.在……旁边

) 6.老师。

) 7.铅笔。

) 8.椅子。

) 9.尺子。







二、 我的选择。(共30分)

) you ?

) can call___jenny.

) back___school.

)5. _name is jenny.

)6. _pen is it ? lucy’s. a. who

) it___book ?

)8. _is my pen ? i can’t find it.

) is __desk.

) is a __

) is __pencil. c./

)12. _pen is it ? it’s lily’s.

( )pencil.

)15. _books do i h**e ? a. how many

)16. _is danny ?he is __the library.

)17. _is the first day of the week.

( )is a __day.

) is snowy in __

)21. _is danny ? he is in the library.

)23. _is the second month of a year.

) is a __day.

)25. is this your pencil ?

isn’t. isn’t is

( )28. _is new year’s day.

first first first

) boy __red shorts is the first.

)30. _is the weather in december ?


1.新年spring festival

2.教师节new year’s day

3.国庆节teacher’s day

4.春节national day

5.国际劳动节children’s day

6.儿童节women’s day

7.妇女节international workers’day



)1.你好吗 is a sunny day.

)2.这是她的书 is her book.

)3.这是晴朗的一天 are you ?

)4.钢笔在哪儿 the weather today ?

)5.今天天气怎么样 the pen ?

)6.书在书桌上面 is in front of the tree.

)7.李明在树前 book is on the desk.



a.this is jenny,liming. is liming,jenny.

is jenny, liming,jenny.


a. are you ?

morning, afternoon,sir.


a.is this steven pencil ? it steven’s pencil ?

steven pencil not steven’s pencil


this your pen ? is your pen ? pen is it ?


a.it’s rainy. are sunny. sunny.

( )6.当你想知道今天天气如何时,应说:__

a.how’s the weather today ? is the weather today ?

is the weather tomorrow ?


is your birthday ? time is it ?

day is it ?


2015 2016学年度第一学期四年级英语期中试卷。学校班级姓名。一 将英语与对应的汉语用线连起来。10分 scarf电脑。teddy bear玩具熊。computer看。thursday围巾。watch星期四。二 选择正确的字母补全单词,将序号填入题前的括号内 10分 1.f ce a.u b.a...


2012 2013学年第一学期四年级英语期中试卷。一 根据所给汉语选择正确的单词 10分 1 穿 a buy b wear c read 2 床 a bed b dresser c blouse 3 她 a she b her c he 4 读 a read b red c that 5 短裤 a ...


xx小学2016 2017学年第二学期期中考试。四年级科学试卷。亲爱的同学 当你拿到试卷后,请不要紧张,这是展示你对 科学 学习理解的好机会。祝你成功!一 判断对错 对的在括号内打 号,错的在括号内打 号。共15分 1.自然界中的一切事物都是永远不变的。2.人们利用谚语来 天气是非常准确的。3 从南...