
发布 2020-09-30 05:44:28 阅读 2444



)1、穿 a、buy b、wear c、read

)2、床 a、bed b、dresser c、blouse

)3、她 a、she b、her c、he

)4、读 a、read b、red c、that

)5、短裤 a、shirt b、pants c、shorts

( )6、新的 a、old b、big c、new

) 7、刷子 a、comb b、tooth c、brush

) 8、红色 a、green b、red c、blue

) 9、连衣裙 a、dress b、skirt c、boot

)10、球 a、 doll b、ball c、toy


ab )1、how are youa、good morning..

)2、what's your name? b、fine,thanks.

)3、what's in your bedroom? c、my name is danny.

)4、good morningd、it’s beside the bed .

)5、where is dresser? e、a bed and a tv .



a、how are youb、what day is it


a、whose pants is this?

b、what's in your bedroom?


a、is this her hatb 、is this his hat?


a、 let’s play a game! b、 excuse me


a、what is itb、whose dress is this?


a、i like you skirtb、i like your skirt.


a、what is itb、thanks.


a、what is itb、you are welcome.


a、it’s yellowb、what colour is it?


a、what is he wearing? b、what is she wearing?


)1. hewearing a green sweater.

a. is b. are c. am

) 2. whose socks

a. this is b. is this c. are these

) 3. there a bed and a tv.

. arec. am

) 4、--where is the dresser?

---the dresser is the bed .

a、above b、beside c、between

)5are youfine, thanks.

a、how b、what c、where

) teddy bear isthe dresser.

a 、 in b、 of c 、 for

)7i play __the computer in the evening.

a .on b. with c .of

what’s in bedroom?

a .you b. your c .yours

)9xiaohua is red hat.

a .buy b. wear c .wearing

) 10is the ball? -it’s on the desk.

a. where c .whose


)3、 c. coat

)9、 c. three


1. big too are these shoes .

2. what at do home you do ?

3、 play computer on i the .

4、what is day it?

5、 are where going you ?


1、sw ter 2、betw n 3、d ll

4、br__sh5、th sday 6、t y

7、bedr m 8、f day 9、wr e

10、k te


1、the bed is below the picture.

2、i like to jump rope.

3、i comb my hair .

4、in the evening i do my homework .

5、these new slippers are just right.


2015 2016学年度第一学期四年级英语期中试卷。学校班级姓名。一 将英语与对应的汉语用线连起来。10分 scarf电脑。teddy bear玩具熊。computer看。thursday围巾。watch星期四。二 选择正确的字母补全单词,将序号填入题前的括号内 10分 1.f ce a.u b.a...


班级 姓名 一 根据汉语意思,选择正确的单词。共15分 1.桌子。2.在 上面 3.书包。4.在 中间 5.在 旁边 6.老师。7.铅笔。8.椅子。9.尺子。10.黑板。11.名字。12.在 后面 13.她的。14.五十。15.什么。二 我的选择。共30分 you can call jenny.ba...


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