
发布 2023-02-01 12:50:28 阅读 9521



一、找出下列单词不同类的单词。 (每题1分,共5分)

1a. rice b. soup c. light d. bread

2a. thin b. long c. short d. sports

3a. thirty b. pencil c. twenty d. fifty

4a. bedroom c. wall d. window

5a. spoon b. water c. plate d. fork


) good idea

) hi, amy, we h**e a new classroom.

) it’s nice now.

) really? let’s go and h**e a look!

) hello, mike.

) ok ,wow, it’s so big.

) let’s clean our classroom.


where is my seata schoolbag.

what’s his name30.

can i h**e some juice, please? sure. here you are

what’s in your deskhis name is zhangpeng

what’s 13 plus 17it’s near the window

四、读句子,给图标序号。 (每题2分,共10分)

1. ―mike. please put up the picture. ―ok!

2. look. he is my friend. he is so strong. he has short black hair and big eyes.

3. this is my bedroom. you can see a bed , a computer a desk and a chair.

4. my family has 4 members. my father,my mother ,me and my little puppy.

5. my uncle is a driver.


( )1.——is this a cab?——

yes, it is. b、 yes, it isn’t. c、 no, it is.

( )eat

a. bananas b. grass c. meat

)3. where does a __live? in a hole.

a. snake b. panda c. fish

)4. what has fur?

a. an elephant has fur. b. a bird has fur.

c. a lion has fur.

)5. can a cat swim

a. yes, it can b. no, it can’t. c. no, i can’t.

( )6.——is the gym?——i can show you.

a、 what b、 how c、 where

( )7.——it’s june. the weather is __

a、 cold and snowy b、windy and cloudy c、 hot and sunny

( )8.——let’s go

shop b、shopping c、 city

)9. a bird has __

a. feathers and wings b. paws and fur c. fingers and feet.

)10is the animal on the farm.

a. elephant b. kangaroo c. cow



a、i want to play ping-pong. b、let’s play ping-pong.

c、you can play ping-pong.


a、li ming is in front of the school.

b、li ming is inside the school.

c、li ming is outside the school.


a、turn left. b、turn right. c、go straight.


a、red is stop. b、yellow is wait. c、yellow is go.


a、i want to buy a dress. b、i don’t want to buy a shirt.

c、i don’t want to buy a dress.


a、i can show you. b、i can see you. c、i can work.


a、i see a dog in a purple hat.

b、i see a goat in a purple hat.

c、i see a goat in a red hat.


a、can you fly?

b、ca you play cards?

c、can you swim?


a、the elephant is dreaming.

b、the monkeys are hugging.

c、the lion is lonely.


a、what do monkey eat? b、what do they eat?

c、 monkeys eat bananas.


a: hi, come and meet my f___look, this is my m

she’s nice.

b: what’s your m

a: she’s a n

b: is this your f___

a: yes, he is. he’s a d

b: who’s that g___she has long hair.

a: she’s my sshe likes music. this is my u___

he’s cool and strong.

八、 阅读理解。(每题2分,共10分)

look at my family photo. this is my father. he’s a teacher.

he’s tall. he likes sports. this is my mother.

she’s a teacher, too. she likes reading. this is my brother.

he’s a baseball player. he’s strong. i love my family.

1.( my parents are teachers.

2.( my father likes sports.

3.( my brother likes music.

4.( my brother is tall and strong.

5.( there are four people in my family.


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四年级上册成语盘点。1 观潮风平浪静 指没有风浪。比喻平静无事。齐头并进 多方面同时前进。多形容几件事情或几项工作同时进行。浩浩荡荡 原形容水势广大的样子。后形容事物的广阔壮大,或前进的 声势浩大。山崩地裂 山岳倒塌,大地裂开。形容响声巨大或变化剧烈。若隐若现 若 好象 隐 隐藏 现 显现。好象隐藏...