09 10学年末四年级英语

发布 2023-01-25 03:59:28 阅读 3049



听力部分(listening part) 40分。




1the sneakers are nineteen yuan. (

2sarah likes the red slippers. (

3amy likes the boots. (

4the sandals are twenty yuan. (


笔试部分(writing part) 57分。

. 连线题。请你将下列单词与对应的**相连接。(12分)

. 选择题。将正确的答案选项填在题前括号内。(15分)

)1. a man has one nose and __eyes.

a. oneb. twoc. three

)2. the students __in the classroom.

a. amb. isc. are

)3. these __are doctors.

a. manb. menc. mans

)4. i like the schoolbag, it’s beautiful. i’ll __it.

a. takeb. playc. put

)5. look at thethey are fat.

a. goatb. goats c. goates

)6. mary __a little lamb.

a. h**eb. hasc. h**es

)7. time fordrink some milk.

a. english class b. breakfastc. dinner

)8. we liketasty and brown.

a. potato b. potatosc. potatoes

)9. 选出与划线单词不同类别的词this farm is so big.

a. yellow b. smallc. long

)10. —is that your chair

a. yes, that isb. yes, it isc. yes, this is.

. 根据所提示的**,将下列单词补充完整。(4分)


1. we h**e a newin the classroom.

2. i h**e a newfor my birthday party.

3. go to the playground, play

4. —how manydo you h**e?


)1. how many students are there in your class? a. they are sheep.

)2. how much is the white skirtb. yes, you can.

)3. can i wear my new shirt todayc. it’s 125 yuan.

)4. where is the tv roomd. forty-six.

)5. what are thesee. it’s on the second floor.


a: where is my sock?

b: is this your sock, mum?

ab: what colour is your sock?

ab: oh, here it is. here you are, mum.

ab: whose is the gray one?



龙新乡2013 2014学年年末水平测试模拟试卷。四年级数学。雪山小学郭金旺。一 爱动脑筋,我会填!每空1分,共25分 06千米 米2吨60千克 吨。1小时20分钟 分钟6元5分 元。2 不改变大小,把7精确到百分位是 缩小到原数的与0.348扩大到它的结果相同。4 小数点右边第二位是位,它的计数单...


王佳凤。为了保证我校2013 2014年的县年末统测工作有序进行,提高学生统考成绩,实现统考目标,结合我校实际,特拟订平达小学四年级数学2013 2014年县年末统测备考工作方案。一 指导思想。贯彻素质教育精神,结合我校实际,继续以新课程标准为指导,以校本教研为动力,推进新课程改革 加强年末统测 强...


一 本年级学期教学重点 1 掌握本册要求写旳200个生字及相关词语,学会联系上下文理解词语旳意思。2 学会照模样写句子,掌握并熟练运用比喻 排比 拟人旳修辞方法要灵活运用关联词填空。3 能简单概括文章旳要紧内容,体会文章表达旳思想感情。4 掌握要求背诵旳课文,并进行与课文相关旳知识旳积存。5 本学期...