
发布 2023-01-24 18:40:28 阅读 2466

一、 英汉互译。

)1. sports daya. 圣诞节快乐。

) yearb. 祝你好运。

) christmas! c. 运动日。

)4. how aboutd. 许多。

)5. long jumpe. 新年。

)6. family dinnerf. 跳远。

) ofg. 怎么样?

)8. good luckh. 家庭晚餐。

二、 选词填空。

选择am, is , are 填空。

1. he __going to visit america.

2. weplaying chess.

3. daming and iflying kites.

4. the monkey___climbing a tree.

5. i __riding a horse.

6. therea cat in the tree.

7. therefour sheep on the hill.

8. theresome rice and vegetables in the box.

9there a panda in the park?

10. sam __going to take pictures in the zoo.

1. we are going toa sports day this month. (h**e , has , h**ing )

2. what are you going todo , doing , does )

3. is she going toswim, swimming , swims )

4. what are you going to do __sports day? (in, on, of )

5. english is __f**ourite subject. (i, my, he )

6. ipeanuts, my sistersweets. (like, likes )

7amy eat dumplings at the spring festival? (do, does, is )

8. she can __high. (jumping, jumps, jump )

9. he isan email. (write, writing, writes )

10. let’sdinner. (h**e, has )

11. we are going to visit the zoo __sunday. (in, on, at )

are going to get upseven o’clock. (in, on, at )

pigsvegetables.( eat, eating, are eating )

the park. (go, goes, going)

youhigh? (jumping, jump )

16,there are threeunder the tree. (chicken, children , panda)

can’t __the blackboard. (see, seeing , sees )

aresam, she, daming’s ) shoes.

19. sam is going to go to the supermarket __us. (and, with )

20. time __bed, children. (to, for )

21. sheto school by bike every day. (go, goes, going )

22. does amyvegetables? no, she doesn’t. (like, likes )

三、 按要求写单词。

(同音词2. family (复数3. run (现在分词。

4. dance (现在分词5. go ( 第三人称单数6. left (反义词。

7. potato ( 复数8. sheep (复数9.

h**e (第三人称单数10. talking (动词原形11. sheep (复数12.

eat (现在分词。

13. are (第三人称单数14. you (形容词性物主代词。

15. swim (现在分词16. can not (缩写形式。

四、 按要求改写句子。

1. i am going to do the long jump. (改一般疑问句)

2. daming goes to school at 7 o’clock. (改否定句)

3. i can ride fast. (改一般疑问句)

4. i’m going to run the 100 metres on sports day. (对划线部分提问).

is a bird in the tree.



否定句:are some chickens in the photo.



否定句:7.__are you going to do in hainan?

we’re going to swim in hainan. (根据答语补全问句)

五、 连词成句。

1. going, on, are, sports, you, run, to, day ?

2. for, book, here, you, is a

3. family, h**e, big, we, dinner, a

4. lots, eat, food, we, of

六、 语言交际。

)1、can i h**e some fish? a、yes, i can.

)2、what is she doingb、sorry, you can’t.

)3、can you run fastc、thank you.

)4、happy birthdayd、yes, please.

)5、do you want some rice? e、she is listening to music.

七、 阅读, 判断正误,正确的写(t), 错误的写(f)

my name is mary. i am eleven. ted is my brother.

he is thirteen. we are in the same (相同的)school. my mother is a teacher.

she is a teacher in our school. my father is a teacher, too. he is a chinese teacher in a college.

i h**e a cat. its name is miaomiao. it is white.

it is a nice cat. we are good friends.

)1. i am twelve2. ted is mary’s brother.

)3. ted and i are in the same class.

)4. my parents(父母) are teachers.

)5. miaomiao is a cat.


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