
发布 2023-01-19 10:06:28 阅读 9419

译林英语四年级上册检测 (满分100)

姓名得分 1、根据中文提示补全对话(每空1分,共10分)a:what are这些)?

b:they are菠萝).

a:do you有一些)pineapples?

b:yes,i do.

a多少)pineapples do you h**e?

b:i h**e十三).whatyou(你呢)?

a:i don’t h**e any h**e一些芒果).


)1.--can play basketball?

yes, can.

at apples.

can’t play basketball .

like .

dogyou h**e grapes?

many do you h**e?

caryou like?

swim well too.


sister mary.

six old.

yearshe football?

thebrother jump.

you like ?

horse15. are cute cats.

h**e pineapple and orange.

at toy monkey.


19.--would you like a rulerlike it

at fruit.

四、选用方框中的单词填空(每空1分,共8分)you h**e grapes?

h**e pears.

like this .

are.at horses.

you like .

h**e orange.

at salad.


) you like

( )do you h**e two pears.

( )you

( )many horses do you don’t.

( )you like a h**e one horse.

( )you h**e any h**e ten stickers.

( )many bags do you can.

( )do you don’t.

( )mike can.

( )yang ling h**e thirteen bags.

六、将下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话(每空2分,共12分)you like cakes?

do you h**e?

many cakes do you h**e?

h**e some cakes.

do.h**e four cakes.


at these toy .



a:do you like ?

b:no,i .

3. “你会踢足球吗?”

“会的。”a: you

b:yes, i can.

4. “你喜欢这只熊猫吗?”


a:do you this ?


欢迎回到学校welcome back to school见到你很高兴nice to see you 我们的新的时间表 课程表our new time table喜欢语文和英语like chinese and english去操场go to the playground我也是me too今天上午thi...


unit1 欢迎回到学校 welcomebackto school 见到你很高兴 nicetoseeyou 我们的新的时间表 课程表 ournewtimetable 喜欢语文和英语 likechineseand english 去操场 gototheplayground 我也是 metoo 今天上午...


学习必备欢迎 译林英语四年级下册词组unit 1 欢迎回到学校welcome back to school见到你很高兴nice to see you 我们的新的时间表 课程表our new time table喜欢语文和英语like chinese and english去操场go to the p...