
发布 2023-01-18 19:55:28 阅读 4636



一、 选出不同类的一项。

) shy b sister c clever

)2. a friend bstudent c cool

)3. a big b mother c little

)4. acool bwarm c take

)5. a uncle b monday c thursday


my friends.

a am b is c are


a me b my c i

is __clever pupil.

a an b a c /

very big __tall.

a or b and c about

__hyde park

a is b are c am

is __bigben.

a a b an c /

will___this afternoon.

a reads b reading a book c read a book

h**e a music class __monday.

a on b in c at.

is satueday and tomorrow is__

a monday b sunday c thursday.

will be sunny___beijing.

a in b at c on

it __tomorrow?

a rain b rainy c snow

12 it will be __in shanghai.

a rain bsunny c wind

__young then. but now they __old.

a was;is. b were;are. c are; were

___that little girl?

a am b is c are

years ago(两年之前) he __five,and now he is __

a was;seven b were;seven c was ;three

are my __

a grandparent b grandparents c grand parents

wasn’t dirty. it was __

a big b small c clean

18——_are they?

—they are my sisters.

a what b how c who

__at home yesterday.

a wasn’t b were c is

___my photos.

b am c are

21——will they h**e a picnic?


b aren’t cwon’t

22 i was short then. now i am __

a. small b cute ctall


1. you , now, can, answer, call, the.(?a, is xiaoyong ,nice, very(.)

it, whose,is(?)

will ,what, you,week,next(?)

kite,i, my, will(.)

naughty, wasn’t, he(.)


b__ utiful(美丽的) c__t__(城市)

cl__ e(近的,接近的) fam__ s(著名的)

h_lid_y(假期w__ k(星期,周)

th__ sday(星期四) w__dn__sday(星期三)

c__ev_ r(聪明的) h__mewo__k(家庭作业)


1. they are going to h**e a picnic on___星期日)

2. -will you take __你的)kite?

---yes,i will.

3.--will it be __热的)tomorrow?

you do your homework?(作肯定回答)

am fat.(变成过去式)

i __fat

was thin.(变成否定句)





tall(反义词were not (缩写)__



a .who is that little girl?

b. where is that little girl?


a i was three then.

b i am three now.


a my hair is long now.

b my hair was long.


a. the classroom was clean then.

b. the classroom is clean now.



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