
发布 2023-01-11 14:08:28 阅读 7293

unit 3 a day out

1.需要锻炼need to exercise/ need exercise

2.来吧come on

3.去爬山go climbing the hill

4.乘船旅行take a boat trip

h**e/ go on a trip by boat

5.在著名的港湾大桥下under the famous harbour bridge

6.经过歌剧院go past/pass the opera house

7.坐在小咖啡点店里sit in a little coffee shop

8.在塞纳河旁by the river seine

9.去艾菲儿铁塔顶go to the top of the eiffel tower

10.保重take care

小心take care = be careful= look out

11.美国**the president of the usa

12.有大花园的美丽建筑 a beautiful building with a big garden

13.名胜古迹places of interest

有趣地方interesting places

14. 一封邀请信an invitation letter

15.参加去世界公园的旅行join the school trip to the world park

16.刚开始时/起初at the beginning/ at first

17.上/下长途汽车get on/ off the coach

18.许多车辆a lot of / much traffic

繁忙的交通the busy /he**y traffic

太多汽车的行进too much movement of cars

19.在高速公路上/城镇间的马路上on the highway

20.大段旅程感到晕车feel sick for most of the trip

21.从胃里出来come up from the stomach

22.变得激动become excited

23. 由…制成be made of (看得出原材料)

由金属制成be made of metal

由……制成be made from(看不出原材料)

在某地制造be made in

24.看上去象真的一样look like the real ones

看上去象国内的一样look like the one back home

25.金门桥the golden gate bridge


believe one’s eyes/ ears

27.歌舞表演the song and dance show

28.自学teach oneself… /

learn … by oneself

自学做某事learn to do sth. by oneself

teach oneself to do sth.

29. 亲自, 为自己for oneself

亲自去看go and see for oneself

30.独自by oneself =

alone= on one’s own

31.伤了某人自己hurt oneself

32.随便吃……help oneself to…

33.自言自语地说say to oneself

34.暗自想到think to oneself

35.把某人单独留下le**e one by oneself


keep one’s secret to oneself

37.自己照顾自己look after oneself= take care of oneself

38.加入舞蹈join in the dancing

39.制作主页make a home page


arrive in大地点。

arrive可单独使用, 不跟地点。

get to 后面要加个地点,不可单独使用。

reach(同get to)后面要加个地点,不可单独使用。


two hours’ coach ride

十分钟的步行ten minutes’ walk


tr**el from one place to another


the main road between cities


the old stone building of egypt


the tall metal building of paris


welcome to my home page

47.看一看---h**e/ take a look at


h**e/ take a look at the photos

48.在天安门广场at tian’anmen square

49.在老舍茶馆in laoshe tea house


the things people used in the past

51.喝京韵茶drink special beijing tea


enjoy wonderful beijing opera


look at the amazing view

54.漫步湖周围walk slowly around the lake

55. …的美the beauty of


feel the beauty of the old park

56. 远be far away

离---远be far away from --

57.乘地铁去颐和园旅行 tr**el by underground to the summer palace

58.乘出租车到北京市中心周围 take a taxi around the centre of the beijing

59.环游世界tr**el around the world

60.去骑马go horse riding


decide to do/ not to do sth.

62.同意做某事agree to do sth.

63.选择做某事choose to do sth.

64.为---作准备prepare for sth.


prepare for the mid- term test

准备做某事prepare to do sth.

准备写一篇文章prepare to write an article

65. 记住去做某事remember to do sth.

记得做过某事remember doing sth.

66. 忘记去做某事forget to do sth.

忘记做过某事forget doing sth.

67. 停止正在做的某事stop doing sth.

停下来去做另一件事stop to do sth.

68. 尽力去做某事try to do sth.

尝试着做某事try doing sth.

69. 使某人(不)做某事make sb.(not) do sth.

70. 让某人(不)做某事let sb.(not) do sth.

71. 看见/听见某人正在做某事。

see/ hear sb. doing sth.

看见/听见某人做某事(全过程)see / hear sb. do sth.

72. 告诉/要求某人(不要)去做某事 tell/ ask sb. (not) to do sth.

73. 希望做某事hope to do sth.

希望**日出hope to watch the sunset

74. 计划做某事plan to do sth.

make a plan to do sth.


sit in the front of the bus

76.玩捉迷藏play hide-and-seek

77.爬岩石climb the rocks

攀爬岩石pull oneself up on the rocks

去爬岩石go climbing on rocks

78.对某人保密keep the secret to sb.


keep their secret to themselves

为某人保密keep the secret for sb.

为他们保守秘密keep the secret for them

79.需要你们的支持need your support

有你们的支持with your support= with the support of yours

没有你的支持without your support

80.进入决赛go to the final

81.在篮球比赛的决赛中in the final of the basketball competition

82. 发生,举行take place

83. 为某人喝彩cheer for sb.

为我们对喝彩cheer for our team

84.公交车费bus fare

85.每个人per person

86.就座go to one’s seat


the presentation of the cup and medals

88.行程的费用the cost of the trip


receive the cup and medals

90.在决赛结束时at the end of the final

91.回到学校get back to school/

return to school


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