
发布 2023-01-07 08:32:28 阅读 9510

unit 10 i’ve had this bike for three years.

1. how long h**e you had that bike over there? i’ve had it for three years.

你拥有那边的那辆自行车多久了? 我已经拥有它三年了。how long多久时间;多长(长度)。

over there 在那边;over and over again 多次;反复地; over prep. 超过,多于; 在……上方;come over过来;think over 仔细思考;all over the world 遍及全世界;fight over 为……争吵。

h**e had 已经拥有。第一个h**e 是助动词,无具体含义。第二个had是h**e的实义动词。h**e有“吃饭、召开、上课”等含义。

2. how long has his son owned the train and railway set? he’s owned it since his first birthday.

own adj. 自己的;v. 拥有owner n.

物主; of one’s own 某人自己的; since conj. &prep. 因为; 自从(后跟时间点或从句); 他的儿子拥有这套火车铁轨玩具多久了?


3. h**e you ever played football? yes i did when i was little, but i h**en't played for a while now.

little adj. 小的;一点 a little 一点;little sister 妹妹。while 正当…时;一段时间。

for a while有段时间;你曾经踢过足球吗?是的,我踢过。我还是小孩子的时候踢的,但是现在有段时间没有踢了。


出现last, ago等过去时间时,使用一般过去时。出现always等呈现事实时,使用一般现在时。出现for+短时间、since+过去时间点或never(从不), ever(曾经), already(已经), yet(还), ever since(自从), before(以前)等副词时,使用现在完成时。

1. i h**en't seen her these days. 这些天我都没有看到她。

2. i h**e known bob for three years. 我已经认识鲍勃三年了。know v. 知道;认识 knew-known

3. i h**e been at this school for over two years. 我已经在这所学校超过两年了。

4. they h**e lived there since 1996. 自从2023年他们就住在那里。

比较:they lived there in 1996. 2023年他们住在那里。

5. how long h**e you worked in this library?你在图书馆工作了多长时间了?

6. she has taught us since i came to this school. 自从我来到这个学校她就教我们。teach v.教;taught-taught

7. move to the us 搬去美国;move the mountains 搬山;

8. p73 i learned how to ride a bike on it. 我在这辆自行车上学习怎样骑自行车。

learn v. 学习;learned/learnt; learned/learnt learn to do sth. 学习做某事;特殊疑问词+to do放在learn 后做宾语。

9. h**e a yard sale 举行庭院拍卖会;it’s hard to sell her old things. 要卖她的旧物品很困难的。

it’s adj. +to do sth. 做某事是怎样的。

hard-working adj.勤勉的;努力工作的; hardly adv.几乎不;简直不;刚刚; hard adv.

努力地; adj.困难的 work hard 努力工作;hardly ever很少; 几乎从不;难得。

10. bring back sweet memories 带来美好的回忆。however, country music bring us back to the “good old days”.

但是乡村**把我们带回到了美好的旧时光。bring sb. back to sth.

=bring back sth. to sb. 把某物给某人,使某人回忆起某事。

11. give all the things away to people in need把所有的旧物品捐赠给需要的人。give away捐赠。(代词放中间)

12. i don't read it anymore. not…anymore 不再=not…any longer=no longer(系动词后,行为动词前)

13. a couple of months 数月;a couple of days 数日;a couple of years 数年。

14. and check out the soft toys and board games for younger kids. 检查一下这些毛茸茸的玩具和棋类游戏,或许他们适合小孩子们。

check out检查。

15. but it still works. 但是它们还能用。it doesn't work. 它们不能用了(坏了)=it is broken.

16. grow up 成长。clear out a lot of things from our bedroom.

she also felt sad to part with certain toys. 跟你讲啊。as for me i do not want to give up my football shirt, but to be honest, i h**e not played for a while now.


17. lose, lost, lost 丢失=part with分开;even though 即使。

18. be useful again 再使用;do with 对付;处置;the money you raise 你筹集的钱;think about思考;

it’s been around for at least 20 years. 在这周围有至少20年了。all year around 全年;around the world世界各地;aroundadv.

&prep. 在周围;到处;大约i still don’t really know my way around. 我依然不认得周边的路。

19. millions of 数千万的;millions of chinese 数千万的中国人;hometown feelings 故乡情。

20. some people still live in their hometown. however, others may only see it once or twice a year.

有些人仍然住在他们的家乡,然而另一些人一年只是回家乡一两次。once or twice a year一年一或两次。

some… others...一些,另一些;有的…,有的…; 拓展] ⑴another 另一个;另外的(三者以上)。 others 其他的人或者物, 另一些(和some连用) ⑶the others 剩下的,其余的=the other +pl.

⑷(one...the other 指两者中的另一个[检测] i bought two books in hong kong. one is about tr**el, _is about teaching.

a. another b. the other c.


21. nowadays, millions of chinese le**e the countryside to search for work in the cities. 现在数以百万计的中国人离开农村到城市去找工作。

nowadays adv. 目前;le**e sth.+地点表达“把某物忘在某地”,注意不能用forget。

search v. 寻找;查找;search the internet 上网;search for work 找工作; research v. 研究 [拓展] look for 寻找某人某物;search +地点+for sb.

/sth. 为找到某人某物而搜寻;find out查明一个事实真相;find 找到。

22. among these is zhong wei, a 46-year-old husband and father.钟伟,一个46岁的丈夫和父亲就是其中的一员。

among 在三者以上的人或物中间; between…and… 在两者中间;in 在……里;at在某个时间或地点;

数字-year-old adj.岁大的;叫复合形容词,注意year用单数。5米长的;5-meter-long。

检测]look, there is a map of china __the two windows. a. between b.

among c. about d. in

his home is __the northeast of china. a. among b. in c. at d. to

23. he has lived in wenzhou for the last 13 years. with a hard job in a crayon factory, he doesn't find much time to visit his hometown.


live v. 居住;生活;现场直播 sing live/laiv/现场唱歌。last adj.

最后的,上一个的;v. 持续;[对比]past adj. 过去的 at last 终于。

[拓展] with 和; 带; 有; 用; 此处with+sth.在句中做伴随状语,修饰主句,表示“因为由于” 。

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1.问题,事情。2.怎么了。3.得感冒。4.胃疼。5.喉咙疼。6.发烧咳嗽。7.牙疼。8.头疼。9.量体温。10.躺下休息。11.脚颈子。12.x光,x射线受伤。13.乘客。14.下车。15.陷入麻烦。16.立刻。17.被球击中头部。18.使 惊讶的是。19.多亏。20.及时准时。21.有心脏病。2...