
发布 2023-01-06 15:03:28 阅读 3855

学前准备:1. where 2. where 3. why 4. what 5. how 6. how 7. what 8. what

课内导练:section a 1a. 1.

listen to music 2. do homework 3. clean the classroom 4.

go to the beach 5. visit museums 6. 弹吉它 7.

去上学8. 和某人打架

1b. 1. exercise 2. always 3. stand 4. sometimes 5. hardly 6. ever 7. guess

2a/2b. 1. twice a week 2.

every day 3. once a week 4. three times a week 5.

twice a week

3. 参考范文:most students watch tv every day.

some students watch tv once or twice a week. some students watch tv three or four times a week. as for playing games, most students play games once or twice a week.

some students play games every day. some students play games three or four times a week. the results for “do homework” are interesting.

most students do homework every day. some students do homework once or twice a week. but no students do homework three or four times a week.

section b. 1a. 略。

2a/2b. 1. she exercises every day.

2. he sometimes ears vegetables. 3.

he never eats fruit. 4. she sleeps nine hours every day.

5. she drinks milk every day. 6.

he eats junk food three or four times a week. 7. she never drinks coffee.

3a/3b. 1. how often 2.

as for 3. the results of 4. is bad for 5.

wants me to drink 6. my eating habits 7. helps me (to) get good grades


一、范文:my friend tom is pretty healthy. he exercises every day.

usually he plays football with his classmates after school. after supper, he does his homework at home. he never plays computer games.

his eating habits are pretty good. he eats fruit and drinks milk every day. he never drinks coffee.

he eats junk food once or twice a week. he sleeps nine hours every night. so his healthy lifestyle helps him get good grades.

二、1. h**ing 3. twice 5. healthy 6. differences 7. interesting 8. to drink

9. has , read

课后拓展 /中考链接。

2. b 3. c 4. d 5. a 6. d 7 .b 8. a 10. a

第1 题回答是every week. 选择b。

第2题根据回答once a year.,所以选择b。

第3 题根据前面的问句,可以明白是问身体状况,much better.意思是比以前好多了。其实是一个比较级的句子。所以选择c。

第4题根据回答 twice a month.,所以选择d。

第5 题这是一个宾语从句的句子,从句部分应该用陈述语气;根据句子的内容,how soon通常在一般将来时,意为"再等多长时间?",多长时间才……?所以选择a。

第6 题考查冠词的用法,s的发音是/es/是原音开头用an,所以选择d。

第7 题考查room的用法可数名词是房间,不可数是空间,所以选择b。

第8 题考查数字的表达方式, 所以选择a。

第9 题考查提建议的表达方法:shall we---what about + ving? 所以选择a 。

第10 题考查there be句型, be动词的确定的原则是:就近原则。 所以选择a。

第11 题根据our knowledge of computers,knowledge是不可数名词。所以选择b。

unit 1单元测试题答案和部分题目解析:

听力材料:一、听句子,选择正确图画 (a a b c b)

has to ride her bike to school every day.

2. kate likes apples, ice cream and milk. but her f**orite food is apples.

3. tom has a lot of homework every day. but on weekend, he often plays basketball.

4. jim has a healthy lifestyle. he often goes to bed at half past nine in the evening.

5. the girl likes chinese, but she is good at english.

二、 听对话,选择正确答案。(bccbbcaccb)


6. m: i think i'm going to wear jeans to the party.

w: if you do, the teachers won't let you in.

m: so i will h**e to wear my school t-shirt instead.


7. m: when do you think is the right time to h**e our class meeting?

w: let's make it tomorrow, shall we?

m: if we make it tomorrow, most classmates won't come.


8. w: what are you doing for children's day, tom?

m: i'm visiting my cousin in australia.

w: oh, that sounds very interesting.


9. m: i will go to the movies tonight.

w; but in fact you are very busy. you must finish your homework first.


10. m: i'll help people who are in trouble if i become rich.

w: if you want to be rich, you should work hard from now on.

三、 听短文,选择正确答案。(baabc)

it is good to give friends or parents some things on their birthdays. it was bob's mother's birthday yesterday. bob wanted to give his mother something, but he didn't h**e much money.

"i know what i'll do," said bob. "i'll give her something different." at last, he g**e his mother a piece of news*****.

when mother saw his name" bob smith" on the news*****, she smiled happily. bob wrote an article about his mother, and it came out in the news*****! bob's mother said it was the best present she got that day.

四、 听填信息。

w: mr. wang, we're very glad to h**e you here. may i ask you some questions?

m: of course, go ahead.

w: as a teacher in charge of class two, do you know how many students ride their bikes to school?

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