
发布 2023-01-04 08:54:28 阅读 8935







are so kind. you too.

will be fine.

play the piano. go to work.

a policeman.

yuan. handred miles.

and a half years.

ican’t. mind.

it is not true. b. i don’t believe in god.

it’s already 12 o’clock.


m: may day will be here?1what are you going to do?

w:may father is going to take me to2.__we are going to visit some 3.__places there.

m:oh,that will be very4.__

w: 5.__it will .what about you?

m: 6.__my parents will take tom and me to nanjing.

w:that will be7.__how will you go there?

m:maybe by 8.__i’m not sure.

w: 9.__i’m sure you will h**e a good time.

m:i 10.__so.


一、单项选择。( 没题1分,共15分)

) don’t like this blue you give me __one?


) didn’t go home __he finished cleaning the room.

) was born december, 1950. he works a farm.

in in on on

) stopped when he was ill.

a. smoking c. to smoke smoking

) father is visiting my grandpa __week.

d. last

) eats food,so he is fat.

too, too much too,too many

much,much too much, too many

) many would you like?

of of orange

of of oranges

) are the cut .

up it up them

)9do you go for a trip with your family?

---about once a year.


) own hobbies.


) for to dinner.

us our

) this can feelsoon.

) pair of shoesme ten yuan.

a. took b. spent c. paid d. cost

) wang speaks so quietly that i can __hear him.

a. hardly b. easily c. nearly d. really

) will take youtime to tr**el to japan than to the usa.


are the __result) of the student activity survey.

grandmother wants me (drink) milk every day.

you forgive)me such a beautiful gift.

is aeurope)country.

5can you come to my party on saturday?

i’d love to,but i h**e tohelp)my parents.


go to school by boat every bay.(改为同义句)

theyto school every bay.

do some washing on sunday.(用last sunday替换画线部分)

i some washing last sunday.


his article the first of $100.

go to the movies twice a month.(对画线部分提问)

do you go to the movies?

sat under the tree half an hour ago.(用now改写句子)

tinaunder the tree now.


i h**e a new friend this term. her name is katrina. she comes___england.

she is in china with her family likes her school and all of her classmates. she thinks they are very __to she has___her school isfrom her home. every day, ither a lot time to get there.

the road is not flat(平坦she can't get to school on her bike. she mustup very early every morning. she has no time for breakfast at home.

she often hason the bus. she doesn't want to be late for school, so sometimes she evento the evening, she does __homework and reads news*****s. she goes to bed at about ten o'clock.

she is very tired but happy every bay.


一 基础知识运用 19分 1 给拼音写汉字,给汉字写拼音,补全成语。5分 寒j n 地ji oj 躬 hu ng 急狼藉 颓 唐锐不可当 然无存无人问 长途跋 腹有诗书气自华 请你填出不列名句。海内存知已。复行数十步,豁然开朗。屋舍俨然,有良田美池桑竹之属。苔痕上阶绿,大道之行也,天下为公。望岳 中...

八年级语文 上 期中考试试卷

八年级语文 上 期中考试试卷。得分。一 积累与运用 22分 1 默写原句 12分 1一览众山小。2 少壮不努力。3波撼岳阳城。4 春望 中写尽诗人心系亲人的诗句是。5 桃花源记 中写老人和小孩神情的句子是。6 爱莲说 中用来比喻君子既不与世俗同流合污,又不孤高自傲的句子是。7 陋室铭 中以 交往之雅...


2013 2014学年第一学期。八年级思想品德期中测试。班别姓名成绩 考生注意 1 试题共100分,考试时间为90分钟 把相应的答案写在相应的题号里 卷 单项选择题 32分 一 单项选择 下列各小题所给的四个选项中,只有一项是正确。每小题2分,共40分 1.中学生小刚的母亲下岗了,父亲靠打零工维持家...