
发布 2022-12-30 06:43:28 阅读 6287


1. too much+不可数n太多… too much money/ homework

too many+可数n复数太多… too many students.

much too+形容词, 副词太… much too cold.

2. can you come to my party? 你能参加我的聚会吗?

接受:sure , i’d love /like to. 当然,我很乐意。

yes, i’d love/like to.

certainly, i’d love/like to.

thanks for your invitation.

thanks for inviting me.

thanks for asking.

拒绝:sorry , i can’t , i h**e to study for a test, 对不起, 我不能,我得备考。

i’m sorry, i can’t. i h**e to…

i’d love to, but i h**e to…

sorry, i can’t. i’m going to the movies.

thanks all the same. 仍然很感激你。

3. (1)h**e to do/ has to do (不得不做某事,客观上要求做)


his mother is ill . he has to look after her.

否定: don’t h**e to / doesn’t h**e to(不必)

一般疑问句:does tom h**e to look after his sister? –yes, he does. /no, he doesn’t.

(2)must do sth (必须做某事,主观想要做)


we must study hard.

3) must i do my homework first?

-yes, you must.

-no, you needn’t. =no, you don’t h**e to.

注意:不可以用mustn’t回答。因为mustn’t 是_禁止_


我必须做…吗?must i do…?

我可以做…吗?can i do…?

may i do…?

我需要做…吗?need i do…?

do i h**e to do…?

yes, you must.

no, you don’t h**e to./ you needn’t to .

yes, you can.

no, you can’t

yes, you may./you can.

no, you may not. /you can’t.

yes, you must./ you need. /you h**e to.

no, you don’t h**e to. /you needn’t .

5. another +单数名词 :再来一个…


another time=next time 下一次。

例如:i want to stay for another two days.(等于two more days.多两天)我想多留两天。

例如:the apple is delicious, can i h**e another one.我想要再来一个。

例如: i am busy this time. let’s meet another time. 这次我忙,下次再见面。

6. would love to do sth=would like to do sth (想去做某事)

7. 注意两种句型的不同回答。

would you like to do sth?你想做某事吗回答是:yes, i’d love to . i’d love to , but…

would you like sth? 你想要某物吗回答是:yes, please./ no, thanks.

8. study for the chemistry test 备考化学。

9. help sb with sth 帮助某人关于某事

例如:请帮助我的英语。please help me with my english.

help sb do sth 帮助某人做某事。

例如:请帮我煮饭。please help me cook meal.

with sb’s help =with the help of sb 在某人的帮助下。


例如:in the morning/ afternoon / evening


例如: on a cold morning, on a spring day, on the morning of october 1st

at+时刻例如:at 9 o’clock.

for+一段时间例如:for three days. for a year.

2. the day after tomorrow后天;

the day before yesterday前天

3. come and join us!快来加入我们。

4. 问星期:what day is it today ?(今天是星期几?)回答: it’s sunday 星期日;

问日期:what is the date today ?(今天是几号?)回答: it’s october 10th.


写法:september 14, 1998 或者 sept. 14th, 1998

读法:september the 14th, nineteen ninety-eight.

5. practice doing sth 练习做某事

如:练习打篮球。 practice playing basketball

6.区别:who(主格:谁), whom(宾格:谁),whose(所有格:谁的)+名词。

例如:who can sing a song?谁能够唱一首歌?

who/whom are you waiting for? 你在等谁呢?(介词放在后面时,可以用who/whom)

with whom are you going to beijing?你和谁一起去北京?(有介词在前面,用whom)

whose book is this? 这是谁的书。

7. invite sb to do sth 邀请某人去做…

如:tom 昨天邀请我去游泳。

tom invited me to swim yesterday.

区别:invite 邀请(动词), inviting(动词ing), invitation,邀请(名词)

如:thanks for inviting me. for +doing

thanks for your invitation. 你的邀请。

第三课时(section b 3a ~ self check )

1. thanks a lot.= thank you very much. (thanks= thank you . a lot=very much.)

2. 区别: all 和 whole (所有的,全部的)

① all (the) +可数n复数 (强调全部)

all students 所有学生(不特指)

all the students 所有学生(特指某部分学生)

all days. 所有的日子。

固定搭配:all day. 一整天。

② the whole +n单数 (强调整个)

the whole day 一整天。

the whole family 一家人。

the whole class 整个班。

3. 区别america(美国,美洲) american (美国的, 美国人):

例如:an american boy一个美国男孩。

two americans 两个美国人。

he is from america.

he is american. 他来自美国。

4. why not do =why don’t you do …为什么不做…呢?

5. discuss sth with sb与某人讨论某物。

例如:我们经常和bill 讨论英语问题。

we often discuss english questions with bill

6. be busy doing sth 忙于做某事。

be busy with sth忙于某件事


he is busy playing computer games, his sister is busy with her homework.

7.看牙医 go to the dentist (不需要翻译出“看”)

8.写信给某人write to sb (不需要letter出现)

9.在工作日 on weekdays = at weekdays

在周末 on weekends = at weekends

10. be free (形容词)有空的;免费的;自由的。

如: i am free on weekends. 我周末有空。

the ticket is free.这票是免费的。

the bird is free when it flies in the sky.鸟是自由的当它在空中飞的时候。

11. keep的用法。

keep + adj 保持…

例如:请保持安静! please be quiet! =please keep quiet!


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