
发布 2022-12-30 06:44:28 阅读 5748


单词〗(v) 组织。

organized (adj) 有组织的。

(prep) 反对。

play against 和…对抗;与…打比赛。

(adv) 真诚地。

sincere (adj) 真诚的;诚恳的。

(n) 律师 law 法律。

(n) 清除;打扫。

clean up (动词短语) 把…清除干净。

短语〗1. stay at home 呆在家。

2. study for the test 为考试学习/做准备。

away 带走;拿走(带作宾;放在心)

hospital 儿童医院。

around the world 周游世界。

6. go to college 上大学。

7. make money 挣钱。

an education 得到/受教育。

10. give money to … 向…捐款。

the time = always 一直。

12. get injured 受伤。

13. h**e a difficult time (in) doing 做…有困难。

14. in fact 事实上。

15. be against doing 反对做…

16. in class 课堂上

at 嘲笑。

知识要点〗1. what will happen if they h**e the party today?




eg.①if it rains tomorrow, i’ll stay at home. 如果明天下雨,我会呆在家。

②everyone won’t be pleased if they watch a video at the party this evening. 如果在今天晚上的聚会上**录象的话,大家会不高兴。

away 带走;拿走(带作宾;放在心)

eg. if this is your book, please

a. take away it b. take them away c. take it away.

eg.1)he makes his living (by) teaching 他靠教书为生。

2) she had to make her own living when she was still a child. 他还是小孩时就得自己谋生。

sth + adj 使某物如何/怎样。

make your life easy 使你的生活容易。

类似用法:keep sth + adj 使某物保持某种状态。

keep your eyes closed 保持你的眼睛闭着。

keep windows open 保持窗户开着。

5. h**e a difficult time (in) doing 做…有困难。

eg. i h**e a difficult time learning english. 我学英语有困难。


(n) 首长;负责人;校长 海报。

(v) 着色;染色。

dye your hair red 把你的头发染成红色。










) you know if he __back next week? if he __back, please let me know.

a. comes ; will come b. will come ; comes

c. will come ; will come

) don’t need all the chairs now. please __

a. take them off b. take away them c. take them away

) go to the park if it __tomorrow.

a. won’t rain b. doesn’t rain c. not rain

) others when they make mistakes.

a. laugh at b. laugh with c. laugh to

) go boating if i __free tomorrow.

a. am b. will be c. was

) makes a living __news*****.

a. sold b. selling c. to sell

) can __if you do it like that.

a. h**e injured b. get injured c. get injuring

) drawing seems __a huge monster.

a. asb. likec. for

)9.—i think i’m going to stay at home tonight.

—if you __you’ll be sorry.

a. dob. will do c. are going to

) has a difficult time __chinese.

a. to learn b. learns c. learning

)11.—would you like to go to the park with me?

—i’d like to, _you don’t want to go alone.

a. before b. ifc. until

)13.—do you still remember __me somewhere in shanghai?

—yes, of course. two years ago.

a. to see b. seec. seeing

)14.—let’s play football.

—sorry. i am studying __the math test.

a. atb. forc. to

) is a great chance __many people don’t h**e.

a. whob. whatc. that

)16. i h**e some reasonsbecoming a teacher.

a. inb. atc. against



a policemana dangerous job.


peoplelike football.


the old mancollecting waste *****.


you willtimewho your real friends are.


the teachermy mobile phone because i used it


be late for class, or the teachers will be mad.

___you __late for class, the teacher will be mad.

were h**ing a great time when you came in.


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Unit5仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5词组 汉语

unit 5 1.向某人道谢。2.邀请某人做某事。3.使 振作高兴起来。4.邀请某人去某地。5.照顾。6.起初。7.时间多长时间的历史。8.最后 终于。9.因为,由于,后跟名词 代词或短语。10.的一个重要的部分。11.对 感到兴奋。12.一张 的票。13.同意某人观点 看法。14.形容词最高级 可...