unit4基础知识习题 答案版八年级英语上册

发布 2022-12-30 05:01:28 阅读 9855

unit 4 what’s the best movie theater?


1.舒适的 comfortable(副词 comfortably )2.座位 seat (动词 sit

3.接近 close(比较级 closer )4.最差的 worst (原型 bad/badly )

5.选择 choose (过去式 chose )6.小心的 careful(副词 carefully )

7记者 reporter (动词 report )8.服务service(动词 serve )

9.扮演act(名词 actor/actress)10.有创造力的 creative(最高级most creative)

11.天资 talent(形容词 talented ) 12.魔术师magician (魔术 magic )

13美好的 beautiful (副词beautifully) 15.获胜者 winner(动词 win )

15贫穷的 poor(反义词 rich )16.严重地seriously(形容词 serious )

二:秒杀短语section a

1.电影院 movie theater 2离……近 close to

3.买票快 buy tickets quickly 4.最大的屏幕 the biggest screen

5.最受欢迎的 the most popular 6.离家最近 the closest to home

7.最短的等待时间 the shortest waiting time 8.最好的音响 the best sound

9.最舒服的座位 the most comfortable seats

10.最好的电影院 the best movie theater

11.服装店 clothes stores 12.最好的电台 the best radio station

13.最糟糕的商店 the worst store 14.以最低的**买到衣服 buy clothes the most cheaply

15.挑选歌曲最认真 choose songs the most carefully16.一名记者 a reporter

17询问某人某事 ask sb. sth. 18.在镇上 in town

19.欢迎来到某地 welcome to…例:欢迎来到我们的街区 welcome to the neighborhood

20.到目前为止 so far21.我周围的路 my way around

22.在中心街 on center street 23.最新鲜的食物 the freshest food

24.在这附近 around here 25.坐的最舒服 sit the most comfortably

26.因(做)某事而感谢 thanks for doing sth. 27.不客气 no problem

28.相当差 pretty bad29.坐公共汽车10分钟的路程 10 minutes by bus

section b

1.最有才能的人the most talented person2.擅长做某事 be good at = do well in

3.才艺表演talent shows4.(1)**某人做某事 watch sb. do sth.

(2)**某人正在做某事 watch sb. doing sth.5.变得越来越受欢迎get more and more popular

6.世界各地;全世界 around the world 7.例如 such as

8.中国达人秀 china’s got talent 9.有…共同;共有 h**e…in common

10.尽力做某事 try to do 11.寻找 look for

12.最令人兴奋的魔术师the most exciting magician13. 等等 and so on

14.各种各样的 all kinds of 15.参加这些表演 join these shows

16.是…的职责;由…决定去做某事 be up to sb. to do sth.

17. 在…方面发挥作用 play a role in doing sth

18.获得一个很好的奖品 get a very good prize

19.并不是每个人 not everybody 20.编造(故事等) make up

21.表演者的生活 the lives of the performers

22.例如 for example 23.贫穷的农民 poor farmers

24.实际上 in fact 25.认真对待 take …seriously

26.给某人一条做某事的路give sb. a way to do sth.27.(梦想)实现;达到 come true

28.使他们的梦想实现make their dreams come true 29.唱快歌sing fast songs

30.看街上艺人(演出)see the street performers

31.在其中一家小咖啡厅里at one of the small coffee shops

32.一**饺 a big plate of dumplings 33.散步take walks

34.有点硬a little hard 35.优秀的教师 fantastic teachers

36.一个极好的运动中心an excellent sports center


1 .town cinema has the most comfortable (最舒服的) seats.

2 .screen city is the most popular(最受欢迎的) movie theater near here and it has the best sound (最好的声音).

3. miller’s store has the best(最好的)clothes and you can buy clothes the most cheaply (最便宜地)there.

4. blue moon is the most expensive (最昂贵的) store.

dream clothes is worse than (比…差) blue moon.

5. you can sit the most comfortably(最舒服地).

has the worst (最差的) service.

think he’s much better ( 好的多) than other actors.

shows are getting more and more popular .(越来越受欢迎)

9 .if you don’t take these shows too seriously (太认真对待),they are fun to watch (去**).

people watch the show, they usually play a role (发挥作用) in deciding the winner(获胜者。

11 .some people think the lives of the performers are made up (编造).

12. all these shows h**e one thing in common (共有,共同).

example (例如) ,some people say they are poor farmers , but in fact(事实上) they’re just actors.

14 what do you think of (认为) these shows.

15.谢谢你告诉我。thanks for telling me.

16. can i ask you some questions?(一些)问题。

17.(多远) how far is it from your home to school?

18.(各种各样的人) all kinds of people join these shows.

19.最好的服装店是哪家? what is the best clothes store ?

20.在这附近有电影院吗? is there a cinema around here ?

21.(并非每个人) not everybody enjoys watching these shows.



思路分析:1.开篇点题。例:last week,we did a survey about good places in our city.


unit4 what s the best movie theater?一 词组。1.最舒适的座椅6.离家最近。2.最大的屏幕7.最好的声效。3.最新电影8.最短的等待时间。4.买票最快9.最好的电台。5.最好的服装店10.熟悉周围环境。二 句型。1.最好的电影院是哪家?what sto 2.城镇上...


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