16 17锦州松山义校八年级 上 英语期中试卷

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i. 听力理解。(共10分)

a) 听句子,选择与句子内容相符的**,并将答案写在答题卡(纸)的相应位置。(每个句子读二遍。)(共5分, 每小题1分)


abcabcb) 听一篇短文,根据你所听到的内容填写下表所缺的信息,并将其内容涂(填)在答题卡(纸)的相应位置。(短文读三遍) (共 5分, 每小题1分)


ii. 单项选择(共10分,每小题1分)


11. li ming is a boy of words, so he has friends. .

a. few; fewb. few; a fewc. a little; few d. a few; a little

12. —there a soccer game in our playground this afternoon. —really, it’s great.

a. is going to h**e b. is going to be c. bed. h**e

13. how often do you eat hamburgers?

. i think they are unhealthy.

a. alwaysb. oftenc. usually d. hardly ever

14. my grandmother is seventy, but she is still in good health.

a. less thanb. more thanc. overd. b and c

15. —can you tell me why you swim so well?

it’s easy. you swim, you can swim.

a. the more careful; the bestb. more carefully; better

c. the more carefully; the betterd. the more careful; the better

16. —i don't know anything about the history of china.

i think you can go to your teacher for more .

a. booksb. waysc. information d. lessons

17. —what do you think of the movie you saw yesterday?

oh! it’s one of movies i’ve ever seen.

a. interestingb. more interesting

c. most interestingd. the most interesting

18. —ididn’thearyoucomeinjustnow.


19. —h**e a good vacation, ms. liu

a. thank you very much b. i'm sorry to hear that

c. that sounds niced. i think so

20. —what kind of tv shows do you like best?

i love . i watch it every night. i can find out what’s going on in the world.

abcdiii. 完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)


i h**e a twin sister, anna. she has 21 hair than me. i don't like long hair.

many people think we 22 h**e lots of things in common. i'm afraid this is not true. when my parents' friends come to my home,anna often sits there and says 23 ,but i like to talk with them.

so she is 24 than me. anna likes reading,drawing and cooking. i just like swimming and playing basketball.

she has 25 hobbies than me,but she is not as athletic(健壮的) 26 me. because anna does 27 than me at school,my parents say to me,“ 28 anna is younger than you,you should learn 29 her.” we do h**e some similarities(相似之处),however.

for example,we 30 like eating fast food,going shopping and listening to pop music.

b. long c. short d. shorter

can b. should c. can'td. need

something b. nothing c. anything d. everything

quieter b. younger c. more outgoing d. busier

much b. morec. lessd. fewer

than b. asc. tod. for

worse b. badc. better d. good

itb. butc. although d. as

with b. fromc. asd. by

30. a. either b. allc. bothd. two

iv. 阅读理解(共20分,每小题1分)

passage a根据**内容从各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案,并将其代表字母涂(填)在答题卡(纸)的相应位置。

the four teahousesteahouse is at xicheng district.


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七校联考八年级 上 期中物理试卷

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