人教八年级上英语Unit2 3复习讲义

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秋季八年级英语上unit 2 -3

part a 课前十分钟。


1. -i can’t find my cdsyou put them in that bag.

a. must b. may be c. maybe d. may

2. (浙江温州)peter is my best friend. he often helps __with science.

a. me b. you c. him d. her

3. -what about___a rest?

–ok! let’s go for a walk. (贵州黔西南)

a. to h**e b. had c. h**e d. h**ing

4. tom studies __he __plays with his friends.

a. hard; hard b. hardly; hardly c. hard;hardly d. hardly; hard

5. one of my f**orite programs __animal world.

a. am b. is c. are d. don’t

6. my dada lawyer(律师) when i grow up .

a. wants me to b. wants me to be c. want to be d. wanted

7. on april 14,2010, a serious earthquake happened in yushu. more than 2,000 people __

a. dead b. death c. died d. die

8. 一1 left the keys in the room yesterday. i had to get in___the window.

一it’s very dangerous to do that. (河南)

a. in b. through c. over d. to

9. asks the students___in the river, because it’s too dangerous.

a. swim b. to swim c. not to swim d. to not swim (重庆)

named dong xinyi looked after her disabled father. (黑龙江鸡西)

a. three-year—old b. three-years-old c. three years old

11. if you h**e a toothache,you can go to see a __

a. teacher b. dentist c. cashier d. policeman

12. my cousin knows a lot about geography, _he is only four years old.

a. because b. so c. although (成都)

13. -i often h**e hamburgers for lunch.

---you’d better not. it’s bad for you __too much junk food.

a. eat b. to eat c. eating d. ate (安徽芜湖)

14. mrs. brown isn’t here. she has to___her baby at home.

a. look at b. look for c. look like d. look after

15. i will stay here for

a. sometimes b. some times c. sometime d. some time


1. mary does some __shop) on sundays.

2. mike goes to see his grandparentsone) a week.

3. he didn’t go to school. he couldhard) read or write.

4. sheexercise) every day to keep healthy.

5 .how manytime) h**e you been to beijing?

keep healthy,1 decideexercise) half an hour every day.

7 .we do lots of outdooractive)when spring comes.

than thirty percent of the water in the world___be)polluted(被污染).

9. your sweater is beautiful. i wantbuy) one,too.

10. his mother alwayshelp) him with his homework.

part b 新知呈现形容词和副词的基本用法。


1. 定义和用法:形容词用来描述和修饰名词或代词,在句中可做定语,表语和宾语补足语。


eg: 2. 形容词的构成(多数形容词有后缀)

提示:friendly, lovely, lively, lonely, ugly, daily等是形容词而非副词。

3. 常见的含形容词的句型:

(1) it’s +adj +for sb to do sth. 例:it’s important for you to remember your father’s words.

(2) it’s+adj+ of sb to do sthit’s kind of you to help me.

(3) it’s+adj+that +从句。 it’s dangerous that children play on the street.

(4) 主语+be+adj+ to do sth. she is happy to stay with her grandmother.

二、副词。1. 定义和用法:副词主要用来修饰动词、形容词、副词或其它成分。

2. 副词的构成(多数形容词有后缀)

3. 几个特殊的副词。

deep与deeply“深,深深地”; wide与widely“宽地,广泛地”; high与highly“高,高度地”;

late与lately“晚地,最近地”; hard与hardly“努力地,几乎不”等。


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