
发布 2022-12-29 22:37:28 阅读 6161

units 1-2

考点原句一:did you buy anything special? p3 你买了一些特殊的东西吗?



考点变式:always believe that __is difficult if we try our best to do it.

everyone in the group __talking actively about their ideas.

3.--did you find __on today’s news*****?--no,i didn’t

interesting something

interesting anything

4.--do you h**e __to say for yourself?--no,i h**e __to say.

air in chongqing is much worse than must do __to protect our environment.

a. something

about eating___

something nice nice anything

you like something


考点原句二:no one seemed to be 似乎没有人很无聊。

分析:(1)seem+n/adj=seem to be +n/adj(2)seem to do sth

(3)it seems that 从句。

考点变式:team seems to win the game.(同义句)

that our team will win the game

2.李雷今天似乎生病了。li leibe ill today..(完成译句)

seems that he is rich.(同义句) hebe rich.

is very __in the __story.

is __in listening to music,because music can make her___

考点原句三:so we decided to go to the beach near our


分析:decide to do sth=make a decision to do sth=decide on doing sth

make up one’s mind to do sth=decide that 从句决定做某事

考点变式:and his friends h**e decided __holding a party.

is too he**y .he has decided __some exercise to keep healthy.

take lei decided __to mount emei next holiday.

go made his __to lose weight.

考点原句四:my sister and i tried paragliding .p5 我和妹妹尝试了滑翔伞运动。

分析:try doing sth 尝试做某事

try to do sth=try/do one’s best to do sth尽某人最大的努力做某事。

try it/them on 试穿。h**e /take a try 试一试。

考点变式:1.--the ***** was still on fire,so i tried __water on it.

---you’d better be careful.

2.“i’ll try my best __the teaching quality.”the new teacher said in the speech..


you can carry the box because there are only some books in h**e b. try

try __at the back there is someone sleeping in the room.

knocktrying___the difficult problem by ourselves and we succeeded finally.


考点原句五:and because of bad weather , we couldn’t see anything below..p5


分析:because 连词后跟句子;可回答由why引导的问句。

because of 介词短语后跟n/ving/pron

考点变式:is absent from the meeting today___he has been ill for two days.

of2.--tom has made much progress in math___his hard work.

---i think he sets a good example for us.

well as of of

3.__mike didn’t win the race,he was still wearing a smile on his face.

of didn’t go to school because he was ill.(同义句)

he didn’t go to schoolhis illness.

考点原句六:my father didn’t bring enough money..p5 我爸爸没有带足够的钱。

分析:adj/adv + enough (old enough) enough+n(enough money)

enough to do sth常于too...to...和so...that...句型转换。


my brother hasto buy his own car now.

little brother is old enough __care of himself.



unit3 i m more outgoing than my sister.一 重点短语。二 重点句子。has shorter hair than sam.他的头发比萨姆的短。than 比 用于形容词,副词的比较级之后 当两个人或者物进行比较时,要用形容词的比较级。比较级 than 表示 比 更。...


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八年级物理 上 复习 知识点

4.物理学里用 来表示声音的大小。响度大小与 有关,并且 越大,响度越 5.音色与发声体的有关。6.在 音调高低的影响因素时,用手指拨动伸出桌边的钢尺振动,要使两次钢尺的 大致相同,在物理学中叫法。第四节噪声的危害和控制。知识点 1.声音分为 和乐音 这在物理学中叫分类法 2.噪声是物体做 振动时发...