
发布 2022-12-28 20:36:28 阅读 6066


1、how often do you exercise?你多久锻炼一次?(p9 标题)

(1) how often 表示“多久一次”。用来询问动作的频率。其答语通常是once a day, often, usually, every day, never, sometimes, three times a week等。

比如:--how often do you exercise?你多久锻炼一次?

once a day. 一天一次。

拓展]类似表示频率的词汇还有:once in a while (偶尔),seldom(很少),hardly(几乎不),every two weeks(没两个星期)。其中hardly和seldom在居中表示否定的意义,对这些词汇的提问也用how often。

练习:( )1do you go to the sports club?

at least once a week.

a. how long b. how often c. how much d. how far

( )2. tina __three times a week. she is very healthy.

a. exercise b. exercises c. exercising

2、help with housework 帮助做家务(p9 1a)

(1)help with sth. 意为“帮助做某事”。


翻译:my brother often helps with housework at home.

拓展】:help sb. with sth.= help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事。

help oneself (to sth.)意为“随便吃(某物);款待”


如:my mother often does the housework on weekends.


3、sometimes有时(p9 1b)

【辨析】sometimes, sometime, some time, some times

(1)sometimes 是一个频度副词,相当于at times ,意为“有时”,可置于句首、句中或者句末。

---what do you often do after school?

---i often do my homework, but sometimes i watch tv.


we shall h**e a school meeting sometime next week.


(3)some time 意为“一些时候;一段时间”,在句中与延续性动词连用。

last summer i went to italy and worked there for some time.


(4)some times 意为“几次;几倍”。其中time是可数名词,意为“次;回”。

he has been to beijing some times. 他到北京去过好几次了。

4、hardly ever 几乎从不(p9 1b)

hardly是个副词,含否定意义,她的位置通常在be动词、情态动词和助动词之后,实意动词之前。与ever连用时,意为“几乎从不;很少”,意义上接近于almost never.

he could hardly see anything.他几乎什么也看不见。


it hardly ever rains here.

---how is susan?

---oh, she lives abroad, so i __ever see her.

a. hardly b. greatly c. clearly d. nearly

5、hmm… next week is quite full for me, jack.嗯……我下周很忙,杰克。(p10 2d)

full adj.忙的;满的;充满的;饱的。作“忙的”讲时相当于busy。常用结构有:be full of充满……的,相当于be filled with.

every glass is full of water.每个玻璃杯都装满了水。


the basket is full of kinds of fruits.

the basket is filled with kinds of fruits.

6、how come ?

how come 意为“为什么呢?怎么会呢?”相当于why?用以询问某事为什么会发生,或者为什么会有某种情况存在。可单独使用,也可接陈述语序的从句。

how come he got the job?她为什么会得到这份工作呢?

how come you are late?你怎么迟到了?


you were an hour late this morning, how come?


1)常见的频度副词有always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never等。



the sun always rises in the east.太阳总是从东方升起。


i usually go to school by bike .


she often helps me with my english.


sometimes they play football on sunday afternoon。



he is seldom late for school。他上学很少迟到。


simon is never at home on sundays.西蒙星期天从来不在家。

练习:1、 if my friend h**e any problem, my door is __open to them.

a. never b. seldom c. sometimes d. always

2. -where shall we eat tonight?

---let’ s call harry. he __knows the best places to go.

a. only b. nearly c. seldom d. always

8、she says it’s good for my health. 她说它(牛奶)有益于我的健康。(p12 1b)

be good for 意为“对……有好处,对……有益处、有效、使用”后接人或事物的代词或者名词。

reading books is good for you. 读书对你有好处。

the medicine is good for headaches.这药可治头痛。

9、we found that only fifteen percent of our students exercise every day.我们发现我们的学生中仅有百分之十五的人每天锻炼(p13 2b)

we found that…后面是一个宾语从句,其中find意为“发觉、发现”,有以下用法:



when they got to school, they found the door locked.

they found her walking alone on the beach.



he found that some of the natives knew his language.


10、… but we were surprised that ninety percent of them use the

internet every day. …但是我们惊讶的是他们中有百分之九十每天都上网。(p13 2b)

be surprised后接that从句,意为“对……很惊讶、吃惊”;be surprised at sth. 意为“对某事感到惊讶”;be surprised to do sth.意为“对做某事感到惊讶”。


现在完成时 1.表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响,或结果,常与recently,ever,never,already,yet just,before still连用 2.表示发生在过去并且一直持续到现在的动作或状态,常与for 时间段或since 时间点连用。结构 h e has 过去分词,get...


unit2 how often do you exercise?一。词型转换。1.ever 反义词 never2.shop 现在分词 shopping 3.though 同义词 although 5.active v.act n.activity6.health adj.healthy 反义词 un...


3.动词。rest h e a rest休息 believe think相信 get adj.变得 get得到 stay待在 stay adj.keep保持 hear过去式heard听见 后面可以接宾语从句 shoud情态动词后面动词原形。4.连词。until till直到 之时 连时间状语从句 如...