
发布 2022-12-29 13:05:28 阅读 7735


一. 词汇。

合成词,不可数名词,homework,farmwork; do the housework;help mother do/with the housework

adv 几乎不,否定词,不与其它否定词连用,带有hardly句子,叫否定句。

eg, garry can hardly speak chinese,__can he__?

eg, he __rides a bike to likes walking.

# 副词不能修饰名词,不能直接放在名词前。hardly +a/an+名词单数;hardly +any +名词复数/不可数名词。

eg,i can hardly see___sheep on the hill.

a. some

# hardly ever=seldom 频度副词“几乎不”三词之后,一词(实意动词)之前。

it hardly ever rains in the north of china in winter.

he is hardly ever ill.


ever 常用于疑问句中,h**e you ever been to china?


1),一次once,两次twice --不规则。

2),三次 three times ,四次four times --三次以上:基数词—+times --twenty times

i h**e been to hefei three times.

# 对次数提问how many times

# 次数+时间段表示频度 once a week;twice a month;three times a year.--提问how often

首字母大写,前加the,在互联网上on the internet.类似:on the radio/on tv,on the computer/on the phone

1) adj 忙碌的---free---busy

# 主语为时间tomorrow is full for me.—i will be busy tomorrow.

2) adj 满的---empty “空的”

# be full of …里充满了…

the room is full of smoke.

# fill vt ,填满,装满。

# be filled with…里装满了…

3)adj “饱的”--hungry “饥饿的”

are you full?

与may be 区别。

maybe 副词“也许”,放在句首maybe he is a teacher.

may be 情态动词+be 动词原形“也许是,可能是”作谓语,放在主语之后,he may be a teacher.

---little---less对比 much---more---most

eg, can we do the __work with the __money?,most

at least 至少+数字---at most 最多,至多。

less than 不到,少于;more than 超过,多于=over

food 不可数。

a cup of coffee

n,健康---healthy adj 健康的。



eg, you should eat __food .it’s good for your __

fruit and vegetables are very __

a result 结果。

as a result, he was late for school.

here is the result.

13.10%--ten percent---基数词+percent ,没有复数。

# 百分数做主语,谓语看百分数代替的名词。

eg,50% of the students in our class __from the countryside. a. is

online;go online

15. although 连词“虽然,尽管”引导让步状语从句,不与but 连用。

eg, _he is very tired,__he still works in the field.


# =though,可以互换。

# 让步状语从句“主将从现”--主句将来时,从句一般现在时。

eg,we will go on working although it is rainy tomorrow.

对比。through 介词“通过,穿过”从物体内部穿过,across “通过,穿过”从表面经过,还含有从一边到另一边。

eg, go __the street and you can get to the post office.

the light got into the room __the window.

the boys swim across the river.


change one’s mind 改变主意。

2) 动词“介意”

mind doing sth 介意做某事。

do you mind opening the door?

18. such 与so 区别。


such adj ,修饰名词。--such a/an adj + 名词单数。

such + adj +名词复数/不可数名词。

eg , i didn’t see such a clever boy before.

# so adv 修饰形容词副词。so + adj/adv

eg, the flowers are __beautiful.

these are __beautiful flowers.

# 例外:当形容词表示数量many/much/few/little 前面必用so.

there are so many people in the supermarket.

together/let’s go together

vi不及物动词“死亡”the old man died yesterday.

# die of/from 死于…

# die 现在分词dying,过去式died

名词death 形容词dead “死的”dying “快要死的”

the old man’s __made his children very sad.

he has been __for two days.

he found a _

_ dog on the road last sunday.

21. write---writer;teach---teacher;dancer;worker;singer


与but 区别。

都表示转折“但是,然而”however 语气弱。

however 副词,单独使用,句首,句末,句中,加逗号隔开。

she lives far from the she is never late for school.

but 连词,连接并列句,放在句首,后不加逗号。

she lives far from the school,but she is never late for school.

与thenthan 连词“比”比较级的标志词。

he is taller than me.

then 副词“那时,然后,接着”

he got up at six,and then he washed his face.


almost 可以修饰所有否定词no,not,nothing,no one…;放在否定词前。nearly 一般不修饰否定词,但可以修饰not 但要放在not 后。


# 后加of +名词复数/人称代词宾格---三者以上都没有;

none of the students in our class is from japan.

# none 一般不单用,但有上文,可指代上文的人或事物,可单用。可指三者以上的人或事物,也可指不可数名词。

is there any milk in the fridge?


none 强调数量,用how many 提问。

-- how many students are there in the classroom?


人教版八年级上册第二单元知识点 复习课用 一 词汇。合成词,不可数名词,homework,farmwork do the housework help mother do with the housework adv 几乎不,否定词,不与其它否定词连用,带有hardly句子,叫否定句。eg,garr...


人教版八年级上册第二单元知识点 复习课用 一 词汇。合成词,不可数名词,homework,farmwork do the housework help mother do with the housework adv几乎不,否定词,不与其它否定词连用,带有hardly句子,叫否定句。eg,garry...


section b 1.she says it s good for my health.她说它对我的健康有好处。2.keep in good health 意为 保持健康 1 health是不可数名词,意为 健康 状况 常用于 be in good poor bad health 短语中,表示 身...