
发布 2022-12-29 19:22:28 阅读 3174



1. m: it snowed yesterday night.

w: that’s why it is so cold now.

2. m: where is mr. green?

w: he is giving an english lesson.

3. m: i don’t know the word. can you give me a hand?

w: you can look it up in the dictionary.

4. m: look! the green family is sitting at the table.

w: they are drinking tea.

5. w: what is the book about?

m: it’s about the biggest animal on land.



6. w: how often do you exercise, tony?

m: i exercise once a day.


7. m: take this medicine three times a day and h**e a good rest.

w: thank you.


8. w: hi, bill. we are going to hainan on vacation. can you come with us?

m: sorry, mary, i can’t. i h**e to help dad on the farm.


9. m: how do your classmates usually get to school?

w: 25 of us take the bus and the other 15 by bus.


10. w: could you help me, please? i want to put these things in the big box.

m: certainly, mum.


m: hi, bella. do you know that girl in a red hat?

w: yes, that’s my friend may. we are in the same class. she is a little funnier than me.

m: does she study well?

w: yes. she is the best student in our class.


w: morning, mr. fat. may i ask you some questions?

m: yes please.

w: um, how often do you exercise?

m: hardly ever.

w: how often do you eat vegetables?

m: never. i don’t like them, but i like meat a lot.

w: all right. how many hours do you sleep every night?

m: ten hours. i need lots of sleep.

w: how often do you drink milk?

m: oh! never. i can’t stand milk. it’s awful.

w: what about junk food?

m: i love junk food—i eat it three or four times a week.

w: well, thanks!

第三节根据听到的句子选择正确的答语。 (共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)

16. the weather today?

it is cold. but it’s sunny ,i think .

17. how often do you go to see your grandma?

i usually visit my grandma once a week,but last week i didn’t go .

18. can you come and play basketball with us?

sorry , i can’t. i am busy h**e a lot of homework to do .

19. shall we go shopping on sunday ?

good idea, i want to buy a new can help me. let’go .

20. may i use your ruler?

sure ,but i will go out soon. it is in my pencilcase .

can you take it youself?


1-5 babca 6-10 bcbac 11-15 caccb 16-20 dacca


21-25 abbcb 26-30 dbada 31-35 dabac 36-40 daabd

41-45 cadcd 46-50 bacbc


do been

t either for seem

long more


66-70 cdcab 71-75 acabd


76. she goes to school ride her bike /by bike /ride a bike.

77. yes,it is.

it is good for her health.


s about five minutes' walk.




you need see a doctor.

t worry about too much about these.


第一档 (9 --10分) 短文内容涵盖所有要点,意思连贯,符合逻辑,无语法错误。

第二档 (7 --8分) 短文内容涵盖大部分要点,意思表达基本连贯,符合逻辑,但有些语法错误。

第三档 (5 --6分) 短文内容涵盖大部分要点,但意思表达不够连贯,有较多的语法错误。

第四档(3 --4分) 短文内容只涵盖部分要点,写出2--4个句子,但意思表达不连贯,有较多的语法错误。

第五档 (1 --2分) 只写出1--2个句子酌情给分,只写出个别单词,不给分。

范文。dear wang lin,next saturday is my birthday.i’m going to h**e a birthday party at home in the evening.it’s going to begin at 7:30.would you like to come?

i also ask some other classmates of ours and some of my friends.i live at no.70 qingnian road.you can take no.1 bus or no.108 bus,and get off at the bus stop of renmin road.my house is just on the other side of the road.it’s a red house with a white door.i’m sure you can’t miss it.


八年级历史参 一 单项选择 每题2分,共40分 二 组合列举题 每题2分共10分 21 1 奏定学堂章程 2 京师大学堂。3 狂人日记 4 中国同盟会。5 京张铁路。三 辨别改错题 每题2分,共10分 22.错误 义和团运动订正 太平军。23.错误 民主订正 民族。24.错误 洋务运动订正 新文化运...


1 书法秀 请将孟子的名言 得道者多助,失道者寡助。用你最漂亮的正楷字抄写在下面的方格内。3分 2 下列词语字形 加点字字音完全正确的一组是3分 a 绥婧 su 箱箧 qi 霹雳 l 大庭广众 t n b 蹿跳 cu n 狼藉 j 荒谬 mi 荡然无存 d ng c 惶急 hu ng 地窖 g o ...


2013 2014学年度第一学期期中考试。八年级物理试题。温馨提示 1 本卷共四大题30小题,满分100分。考试时间90分钟。2 计算题要有必要的公式和计算过程,只写答案的不能得分 回答问题语言要完整简洁。一 填空题 其中第12小题6分,其余每空1分,共32分,将答案直接写在横线上,不必写出解题过程...