
发布 2022-12-29 08:48:28 阅读 3641

1. 本单元最基本的词汇是表示身体各部位的名词:






注意ache 前用于头痛,背痛,牙疼,胃疼,耳朵疼,心脏疼。

sore 常用于:背痛,喉咙疼,眼睛疼,膝盖疼。



1. 询问他人健康状况:


2. 反映健康问题或病情以及应答常用语:


3. 提供建议或者忠告:


4. 对建议或者忠告的回答:


5. 对病人病情的反应:




1. i think everyone has two___foot). 2. the old man has a serious___ill).

3. mr chen is often___stress) out. 4. it's easy to stay___health).

5. i want to drink some water i’m very t6. it’s best to go to bed早早地).

7. i相信) i can pass the tests.8. take some myou’ll be better.

9. it’s ito eat breakfast every day.10.. my brother isn’t at home at the m

11. don’t get awith your little didn’t go to bed uhe finished his homework.


1. 早睡觉2. stressed out

3. …的平衡4. traditional chinese doctors

5. 大多6. chinese medicine

7. 此刻,此时8. host family


1. 你不应该迟到。youlate.

2. 他不应该看太多的电视。he shouldn’t watch tv

3. 晚饭后散步对人有益after dinnerfor us.

4. 拥有健康的生活方式很容易to h**e a healthy lifestyle.

5. 今年我的压力很大。i’mthis year.

知识要点1. a few几个,一些。

there are a few apples on the table. 有几个苹果在桌子上。【区别】few/a few; little/ a little

1) few和 a few都用来修饰可数名词;little和 a little都用来修饰不可数名词。

2) few和little表示“很少”,含有否定的意思。如:few men can do this.

没有几个人能做这件事。there is little milk in the bottle. 瓶子里几乎没有牛奶了。

3) a few和 a little表示“有一点”或“有一些”,含有肯定的意思。如:i h**e a few good friends.

我有一些好朋友。please give me a little water. 请给我一点水。


a: few b: a few c: little d: a little

1. there ismeat in the fridge. i h**e to buy some.2. they spenthours doing the work.

2. 【区别】too much,much too和too many1)too much和too many意思都为“太多的”。

2)too much修饰不可数名词,而too many修饰可数名词复数。3) much too为副词,表示“非常地:及其”。


a.too much b. too many c. much too

arebooks on the


1. it's important to eat adiet. a. balanced b. balance c. balancing d. balances

2. my mother is busy. she has housework to do.

a.too much b. too many c. much too d.

many too

3. you should not eat24 hours. a.

something in b. nothing for c. anything for d.

everything at

4. —my mother is illa. don't worry.

b. no hurry. c.

i'm sorry to hear thatd. ok.

5. —i feel stressed out. i h**e so much work to do every day.

you'd better not work too hard. it's good for you to take somei think.

a. healthb. exercise c. lessond. work


1. do you h**e water? i’mthirst).

2. he can’t sleep (入睡). he gets tooout. (stress)

3chinese doctors think it’s important to keep the balance of yin and yang. (tradition)

4. england is acountry. (west)

5. hetired after a long walk yesterday. (get)

6. it’slearn english well. (importance)


1. 我们需要一个阴阳平衡。

we needyin and yang.

2. 或许你体内的“阴”太多。

you h**eyin.

3. 吃党参和黄苓对这种情况有好处。

dangshen and huangqi isthis.

4. 饮食平衡很重要。

to eat a balanced diet.

5. 我认为我的普通话没有提高。

ithink my putonghua

6. 听到你不舒服我很难过。

i’mthat you’re not feeling well.


traditional chinese doctors believe we need a balance o1) yin and yang to be h2). are you often quiet and often t3)? maybe you h**e too m4) yin.

you s5) eat hot yang foods. e6) dangshen and huangqi herbs is g7) for this. but people who are too s8) out may h**e too much yang.

it's easy to h**e a h9) lifestyle. it's i10) to eat a balanced diet.

八年级地理上期第二单元测试题 二

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