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2018鍏勾绾ц嫳璇笅鍐?unit 5璇濋浜岀煡璇嗙偣鎬荤粨。


銆銆section a

銆銆1. anything wrong? 鏈変粈涔堥夯鐑﹀悧?

銆銆姝ゅ彞涓虹渷鐣ュ彞锛屽畬鏁寸殑鍙ュ瓙鏄細is there anything wrong?

銆銆 is there anything wrong with your head? 浣犵殑澶存湁浠涔堟瘺鐥呭悧?

銆銆2. i鈥檓 sorry to hear that. 寰堟姳姝夊惉鍒拌繖涓秷鎭 ?

銆銆be sorry to do sth. 寰堟姳姝夊仛鏌愪簨;

銆銆 i鈥檓 very sorry to keep you waiting so long. 寰堟姳姝夎浣犵瓑杩欎箞涔呫?

銆銆3. what seems to be the problem? 鍒板簳鏄庝箞鍥炰簨?

銆銆4. she is crying in the bathroom because she did badly in the english exam.鍥犱负鑰冧笉濂斤紝濂瑰湪娲楁墜闂撮噷鍝憿銆?

銆銆badly涓哄壇璇嶏紝淇 グ鍔ㄨ瘝鐨勫壇璇嶉氬父鏀惧湪琚慨楗扮殑鍔ㄨ瘝涔嬪悗銆傚锛歭isten carefully, read quickly绛夈俤o badly in 鍦ㄢ︹︽柟闈㈠仛寰椾笉濂斤紝涓巇o well in鎰忔濈浉鍙嶃?

銆銆 why do you think you did so badly in your text? 浣犺涓轰负浠涔堜綘鑰冨緱杩欎箞宸?

銆銆he did very well in english when he was young. 浠栧皬鏃跺欏氨寰堟搮闀胯嫳璇 ?

銆銆5. she is very strict with herself. 濂瑰鑷繁瑕佹眰寰堜弗鏍笺?

銆銆a. be strict with sb. 瀵光︹﹁ 姹備弗鏍硷紝鍚庨潰鎺ヤ汉浣滃璇 ?

銆銆 the teacher is strict with us. 鑰佸笀瀵规垜浠姹傚緢涓ユ牸銆?

銆銆b. be strict about/in sth. 鍦ㄢ︹︽柟闈㈣ 姹備弗鏍?

銆銆 his father is strict with him about/in study.

銆銆浠栫殑鐖朵翰鍦ㄥ 涔犳柟闈㈠ 浠栬姹傚緢涓ユ牸銆?

銆銆6. she feels very lonely because she has no friends to talk with. 濂规劅鍒板緢瀵傚癁锛屽洜涓烘病鏈夋湅鍙嬪彲浠ヨ亰澶┿?


銆銆a. alone鏃㈠彲浣滃壇璇嶏紝鍙堝彲浣滃舰瀹硅瘝锛屽父鍦ㄥ彞涓綔琛ㄨ 鍜岀姸璇紝璇存槑瀹㈣ 瀛樺湪銆?

銆銆 she left for shangqiu alone. 濂圭嫭鑷幓浜嗗晢涓樸?鐘惰 )

銆銆jim鈥檚 parents both went shopping. so he is alone at home.鍚夊鐨勭埗姣嶉兘鍘讳拱涓滆タ浜嗐傚洜姝ゅ彧鏈変粬鑷繁鍦ㄥ 銆?

琛ㄨ )

銆銆b. lonely褰㈠ 璇嶏紝甯稿湪鍙ヤ腑浣滆〃璇佸畾璇紝渚ч噸浜虹殑蹇冪悊銆?

銆銆 there is a lonely room on the side of the hill. 灞卞潯涓婃湁涓闂村闆堕浂鐨勬埧瀛愩?瀹氳 )

銆銆the old man seldom speaks to others, but he never feels lonely.閭h佷汉寰堝皯涓庡叾浠栦汉璇磋瘽锛屼絾浠栦粠涓嶆劅鍒板瘋瀵炪?琛ㄨ )

銆銆2)涓嶅畾寮忕煭璇璽o talk with浣滃悗缃畾璇慨楗癴riends銆?

銆銆 mary, i can鈥檛 go there with you, because i h**e a lot of homework to do.


銆銆7. i think i should h**e a talk with her.

銆銆h**e a talk with sb.鍜屾煇浜轰氦璋堬紝talk鍦ㄨ繖閲屾槸鍚嶈瘝,杩欎釜鐭鐩稿綋浜巘alk with sb.銆?

銆銆 you should h**e a talk with your son to know what he is thinking about.

銆銆=you should talk with your son to know what he is thinking about.


銆銆绫讳技璇嶇粍鏈夛細h**e a walk鏁f暎姝?h**e a look鐪嬩竴鐪嬨?

銆銆8. so i send this card to cheer you up. 鎵浠ユ垜缁欎綘鍙戣繖寮犵數瀛愬崱鐗囨兂璁╀綘鎸綔璧锋潵銆?

銆銆a. send sb.=send sb. sth. 鎶婃煇鐗╁瘎缁欐煇浜?


銆銆give sth. to sb.=give sb. sth.鎶婃煇鐗╃粰鏌愪汉;

銆銆pass sth. to sb.=pass sb. sth.鎶婃煇鐗╀紶缁欐煇浜恒?

銆銆 he will send a postcard to his mother on mother鈥檚 day

銆銆=he will send his mother a postcard on mother鈥檚 day.


銆銆could you give me that pen?= could you give that pen to me?


銆銆he passed the camera to her, so she could take a photo.

銆銆=he passed her the camera, so she could take a photo.


銆銆b. send sb./sth. to do sth. 閫佹煇浜?鐗╁仛鏌愪簨;

銆銆 i鈥檒l send some workers to help you.鎴戝彨鍑犱釜宸ヤ汉鍘诲府鍔╀綘銆?

銆銆9. you don鈥檛 need to worry about the english exam. 浣犳病蹇呰涓鸿嫳璇冭瘯鎷呭績銆?

銆銆need 闇瑕侊紝鍦ㄦ 浣滃疄涔夊姩璇嶏紝涔熷彲浠ヤ綔鎯呮佸姩璇嶃?

銆銆a. need浣滃疄涔夊姩璇嶆椂锛屽悓鍏朵粬瀹炰箟鍔ㄨ瘝涓鏍凤紝鏈変汉绉板拰鏃舵佺殑鍙樺寲锛屽叾鐤戦棶鍜屽惁瀹氬舰寮忛兘瑕佸熷姪浜庡姪鍔ㄨ瘝do/does/did銆?

銆銆 do you need any help? 浣犻渶瑕佸府蹇欏悧?

銆銆i don鈥檛 need your help, thank you. 璋㈣阿锛屾垜涓嶉渶瑕佷綘鏉ュ府鍔┿?

銆銆b. need鍦ㄧ枒闂彞鍜屽惁瀹氬彞涓彲浠ヤ綔鎯呮佸姩璇嶅苟涓旀病鏈夋暟鍜屼汉绉板舰寮忓彉鍖栵紝鍚庨潰鎺ュ姩璇嶅師褰紝鍏跺惁瀹氬舰寮忎负need not/need鈥檛銆?

銆銆 he need not take the exam. 浠栦笉蹇呭弬鍔犺冭瘯銆?

銆銆10. try to talk to others, and you鈥檒l be happy again. 璇曠潃鍘诲拰鍒汉璋堣皥蹇冿紝浣犲氨浼氶噸鏂板揩涔愯捣鏉ャ?

銆銆a. try to do sth. 灏藉姏鍋氭煇浜?

銆銆 try to stay calm. 鍔姏淇濇寔鍐烽潤銆?

銆銆b. try not to do sth. 灏介噺涓嶅仛鏌愪簨;

銆銆 you should try not to be alone. 浣犲簲璇ュ敖閲忎笉瑕佸崟鐙竴涓汉銆?

銆銆c. try doing sth. 灏濊瘯鍋氭煇浜?

銆銆 you should try doing it like others.浣犲簲璇ュ拰鍏朵粬浜轰竴鏍峰皾璇曞幓鍋氥?

銆section b

銆銆1. i鈥檓 feeling really sad because i failed the english exam. 鎴戠湡鐨勫緢闅捐繃锛屽洜涓烘垜鑻辫鑰冭瘯涓嶅強鏍笺?

銆銆a. fail the exam= not pass the exam 鑰冭瘯涓嶅強鏍?

銆銆b. fail涓嶅強鏍硷紝鏈氳繃锛屽け璐?

銆銆 what will you do if you fail? 濡傛灉浣犺冭瘯澶辫触鎵撶畻骞蹭粈涔?

銆銆c. fail to do sth. 澶辫触銆佹湭鑳?鍋氬埌)鏌愪簨;

銆銆 doctors failed to s**e the girl鈥檚 life. 鍖荤敓浠湭鑳戒繚浣忛偅濂冲鐨勫懡銆?

銆銆2. why don鈥檛 you talk to someone when you feel sad? 褰撲綘闅捐繃鐨勬椂鍊欎负浠涔堜笉璺熷埆浜鸿皥璋堝憿?

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