2018鍏勾绾ц嫳璇笅鍐?unit 5璇濋涓夌煡璇嗙偣鎬荤粨。
銆銆section a
銆銆1. i get so nervous when i give a speech. 鍙鍙戣〃婕旇锛屾垜灏辩揣寮犮?
銆銆give (sb.) a speech 鍋氭姤鍛婏紝鍋氭紨璁?
銆銆 our school will invite a scientist to give us a speech about feelings next week.涓嬪懆锛屾垜浠鏍″皢閭璇蜂竴浣嶇瀛﹀ 缁欐垜浠仛涓涓叧浜庢儏鎰熺殑鎶ュ憡銆?
銆銆2. i h**e a cd about giving speeches. 鎴戞湁涓寮犳湁鍏冲彂琛ㄦ紨璁茬殑cd銆?
銆銆3. i feel more relaxed now because of your help. 鏈変簡浣犵殑甯姪锛屾垜鐜板湪鎰熻杞绘澗澶氫簡銆?
銆銆a. because of+浠h瘝/浠嬭瘝鐭锛屸滃洜涓?鏌愪汉/鏌愪簨鐗?;鐢变簬鈥濓紝鍦ㄥ彞涓綔鐘惰銆?
銆銆 he walked slowly because of his bad leg. 浠栬蛋寰楁參鏄洜涓鸿吙鏈夋瘺鐥呫?
銆銆b. because 杩炶瘝, 鈥滃洜涓衡濓紝鐢ㄦ潵杩炴帴鍘熷洜鐘惰浠庡彞銆?
銆銆 i did it because he told me to. 鎴戝仛杩欎簨鏄洜涓轰粬鍙垜鍋氱殑銆?
銆銆4. what is kangkang鈥檚 suggestion for helping michael?
銆銆suggestion 鎰忎负锛氣滃缓璁紝鎻愯鈥?涓哄彲鏁板悕璇嶃?鍏剁殑鍔ㄨ瘝锛歴uggest銆傚悓涔夎瘝锛?advice, 涓轰笉鍙暟鍚嶈瘝銆?
銆銆 i鈥檇 like to hear your suggestions for ways of raising money.
銆銆= i鈥檇 like to hear your advice for ways of raising money.
銆銆make a suggestion 鎰忎负锛氣滄彁寤鸿鈥濄?
銆銆 can i make a suggestion? 鎴戞彁涓缓璁 ソ鍚?
銆銆5. relax and just follow the dentist鈥檚 advice. 鏀捐交鏉撅紝鍙鍚尰鐢熺殑寤鸿銆?
銆銆a. advice 鎰忎负锛氣滃缓璁濓紝涓嶅彲鏁板悕璇嶃?
銆銆advice 鍙 some, any, no 绛夎瘝淇 グ锛屼笉鍙 an鎴栧叾浠栨暟璇嶇洿鎺ヤ慨楗般?
銆銆a piece of advice 涓鍒欏缓璁? three pieces of advice 涓夊垯寤鸿 ;
銆銆give sb. some advice 缁欐煇浜烘彁浜涘缓璁?follow one鈥檚 advice 閬靛惊鏌愪汉鐨勫缓璁?
銆銆b. advise 鎰忎负锛氣滃缓璁濓紝鍔ㄨ瘝銆?
銆銆advise sb. to do sth. 寤鸿鏌愪汉鍋氭煇浜?
銆銆advise sb. not to do sth. 寤鸿鏌愪汉涓嶈鍋氭煇浜?
銆銆 the doctor advised her to eat less and do more exercise. 鍖荤敓寤鸿濂硅灏戝悆澶氶敾鐐笺?
section b
銆銆1. if we are not confident about ourselves, we may feel upset or nervous. 濡傛灉鎴戜滑鑷繁涓嶈嚜淇★紝鎴戜滑鍙兘浼氭劅鍒颁笉瀹夋垨绱у紶銆?
銆銆be confident about...鎰忎负鈥滃鈥︹︽湁淇″績鈥濄?
銆銆 i鈥檓 confident about passing the exam.鎴戞湁淇″績閫氳繃鑰冭瘯銆?
銆銆we should be confident about ourselves.鎴戜滑搴旇瀵硅嚜宸辨湁淇″績銆?
銆銆2. when we are in a bad mood all the time, we could become sick. 褰撴垜浠竴鐩村績鎯呭緢绯熺硶鏃讹紝鎴戜滑鍙兘浼氱敓鐥呫?
銆銆in a bad mood 蹇冩儏绯熺硶; in a good mood蹇冩儏鎰夊揩;
銆銆in good health 鍋ュ悍鐘跺喌鑹 ソ;
銆銆 he is in good health all the time. 浠栬韩浣撶姸鍐典竴鐩村緢濂姐?
銆銆3. let鈥檚 do something for michael! what about telling him that he is br**e and great.
銆銆1) do something for sb. 涓烘煇浜哄仛鐐逛粈涔?
銆銆 we should do something for the old people. 鎴戜滑搴旇涓鸿佷汉鍋氱偣浠涔堛?
銆銆2) what about doing sth.鎰忎负鈥滃仛鏌愪簨鎬庝箞鏍封濓紝涓嶩ow about doing sth.鍚屼箟銆?
銆銆why don鈥檛 you/we do sth.?
銆銆why not do sth.?
銆銆let鈥檚 do sth.
銆銆we鈥檇 better do sth.
銆銆 what about going for a picnic next weekend? 涓嬪懆鏈垜浠幓閲庣倞鎬庝箞鏍?
銆銆4. let鈥檚 show him that we are proud of him. he was afraid to give his speech, but he did it anyway.
銆銆1)be proud of...浠モ︹︿负楠勫偛锛屽悓涔夎瘝缁勪负take (a) pride in...
銆銆 i am proud of our great country.=i take(a) pride in our great country.
銆銆2)a. be afraid to do sth. 涓嶆暍鍋氭煇浜嬶紝鍙笌be afraid of doing sth. 杞崲銆?
銆銆 the little boy is afraid to touch the fire again.
銆銆=the little boy is afraid of touching the fire again.
銆銆閭g敺瀛╁啀涔熶笉鏁㈢ 鐏簡銆?
銆銆b. be afraid of (doing) sth. 瀹虫?鍋?鏌愪簨(鐗?;
銆銆 the girl is afraid of dogs. 杩欎釜濂冲鎬曠嫍銆?
銆銆i鈥檓 afraid of going out alone at night. 鏅氫笂鎴戜笉鏁㈢嫭鑷鍑恒?
銆銆5. let鈥檚 give michael a surprise! 璁╂垜浠粰杩堝厠灏斾竴涓儕鍠滃惂!
銆銆a. give sb. a surprise=give a surprise to sb.
銆銆to one鈥檚 surprise浣挎煇浜烘儕濂囩殑鏄?
銆銆 to my surprise, he arrived on time. 浠ゆ垜鎯婂紓鐨勬槸锛屼粬灞呯劧鍑嗘椂璧跺埌浜嗐?
銆銆b. surprised浣滆〃璇舰瀹硅瘝锛?
銆銆be surprised to do sth. 鍋氭煇浜嬫劅鍒版儕濂?
銆銆 she was surprised to find she was lost. 濂瑰悆鎯婄殑鍙戠幇鑷繁杩疯矾浜嗐?
銆銆be surprised at sth. 瀵规煇浜嬫劅鍒版儕濂?
銆銆 i am surprised at the news. 瀵逛簬杩欎釜娑堟伅锛屾垜寰堝悆鎯娿?
銆銆c. surprising鏃㈠彲浣滆〃璇紝鍙堝彲浣滃畾璇 ?
銆銆 a surprising story 涓涓儕浜虹殑鏁呬簨;
銆銆it鈥檚 very surprising. 闈炲父鎯婂銆?
銆銆6. we can put on a short play, just as we do at the english corner.鎴戜滑鍙互婕斾竴閮ㄧ煭鍓э紝灏卞儚鎴戜滑甯稿父鍦ㄨ嫳璇閲屽仛鐨勯偅鏍枫?
銆銆a. put on鍦ㄨ繖閲屾剰涓衡滀笂鏄狅紝鏀炬槧鈥濄傚畠杩樻湁鈥滅┛涓婏紝鎴翠笂鈥濅箣鎰忥紝鍙嶄箟璇嶇粍涓簍ake off 鑴辨帀锛岃劚涓嬨?
銆銆 they are going to put on a new play. 浠栦滑鎵撶畻涓婃槧涓閮ㄦ柊鍓с?
銆銆it鈥檚 very warm here. take off your coat, please!杩欏効寰堟殩鍜岋紝璇疯劚鎺変綘鐨勫ぇ琛e惂!
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