
发布 2022-12-29 00:09:28 阅读 5426


1. 我女儿总是帮助我洗餐具。 my daughter always help me

2. 我父母在2024年结的婚。 my parentsin 1965.

3. 今天下午我们将打扫卫生。 we’llthis afternoon .

4. 冰箱里有喝的吗is therein your fridge?

5. 此处禁止给动物喂食。 youhere.

6. 比如,当你第一次见到他们的时候你会和他们握手。

you usuallythem when you meet them for the first time

7. 在下午四点茶不仅是一种饮品而且也是一顿清淡的饭tea is __just a drink __a light meal at around 4.

8.它与中国非常的不同。 it’s verychina.


10.旅游者们不准在此拍照。 the tr**elshere.

11.他每天早上八点到达学校。 heschool at 8 every morning.

12.托尼迫不及待的想要拆开自己的礼物。 tonyunwrap his present.

13.北京是中国最大的城市之一。 beijing iscities in china.

14. 下周日天气会怎样the weathernext sunday?

15.春季去北京游玩是令人愉快的事。it’sbeijing in spring.

16. 我心我的梦想总有一天会实现的。 i’m __my dream will

17. 英国的冬季总是温暖而干燥。 it’s always __andwinter in england.

18. 何时去参观你们国家是最佳时间。 _istimeyour country?

19.在冬季这个国家不但寒冷而且干燥。 it’scolddry in winter in the country.

20.现在出去散步怎么样going out __a walk?

21. 九月份到达新英格兰是最好的计划。 theis tonew england in september.

22. 带你的相机来是不错的主意, 因为你或许要拍下秋叶的景色、

it’s a good ideayour camera __you may wantof the autumn le**es.

1. 把…介绍给2.一些吃的东西2.为…而感谢。

4. 收到…的来信5.迫不及待的去做6. 和…生气。

7.以…而自豪8. 害怕做9.也10.有点。


5.学习6. 处在危险中7.需要去做什么 8.考虑9.究竟。



18.把某人送到19。。。当中的一个20.热情地欢迎某人 21.与某人结婚。

fruit here is sweet because there is a lot ofa. sun b. sunny c. sunshine d. suns

4. it’s __to make room for somebody when you are on a bus. a.

polite b. impolite c. manner d.


5. most young people find __exciting to watch a football match. a.

it b. this c. that d.


6.__of my parents are teachersa. both b. all c. neither d. either

7. in western countries, the women mustn’tthe church on time before the wedding.

a. get b. to get to c. arrive at d. to reach

8. it __me twenty minutes to do this exercise. and i __forty minutes in working that one

a. spent took b. cost took c. paid spent d. took spent

looking forward to __you, my dear friend, i want __with you.

a. saw chatting b. seeing to chat c. see, chatted d. sees, chatting.

hard, or you will fail in the exam.--well ,i’ll

a. try one’s best b. do one’s best c. try my best d. do my better.

should teach that boya. to mind his manner b. to polite c. to be polite d. to be manner

stayed at home __going to movies. a. instead b.

instead of c. take the place of d. in the place of

i stay at home for the whole afternoon? no, yougo out if h**e washed your soccer socks under your bed. a.

mustn’t b. can c. needn’t d.

may not

___go and see a doctor at once because you’ve got a fever. a. can b. must d. would

boy __be peter, he has gone to england. a. can’t b. mustn’t c. needn’t

mustwith these questions. a. careful b. carefully c. be careful

isn’t at school. i think he __be ill a. can b. will c. must

can ask meexcept agea. something b. anything c. nothing

19do you play computer games. -once a week

a. how far b. how long c. how often d. how many

were so tired, so we stoppedafter half an hour , we will go __


module 1 1 make a mistake 犯错误 make mistakes 犯错误 2 as much as possible 尽可能多地 as 形容词或副词 as possible 尽可能怎么样 some advice 一些意见 advice n.不可数,一条建议 a piece of...


module 1 1.translate into 把 翻译成 translation 翻译 名词 number of 的数字 a number of numbers of many 许多 down 写下,记下 write it down write down your mistakes 其他 wh...


module 1 1.translate into 把 翻译成 translation 翻译 名词 number of 的数字 a number of numbers of many 许多 down 写下,记下 write it down write down your mistakes 其他 wh...