
发布 2022-12-29 00:12:28 阅读 7049

module 1

1. translate… into…把…翻译成…

translation 翻译(名词)

number of 的数字

a number of = numbers of = many 许多

down 写下,记下

write it down , write down your mistakes

其他 what else 还有其他的,

anything else 其他的一些, somebody else's books 其他人的书

5. news***** 报纸(可数)in the news***** , on ***** .

6. each 各个 each of us likes running . each other 互相 to 靠近,旁边。

yourself (myself, herself, himself, itself, yourselves, ourselves, themselves) =h**e a good time

piece of 一张(片,块,件,则)

10. all the time 总是,一直

11. borrow借(入)lend 借(出) keep 借(保持) 12. in class 在课堂上。

don't you = why not you 为什么你不 应该(情态动词)

s +adi.+ to do sth. 做某事怎么样。it's interesting to see english movies.

about = what about (后加动名词) how about doing some shopping?

not to do sth. 尝试不要做

sb. with sth.= help sb.(to) do sth. 帮助某人某事

for请求ask sb. for sth.向某人请求某事

a deep breath 做个深呼吸。

doing = like doing 喜欢做某事

to (with) sb. 和某人说话

动作迅速地,敏捷地 we get up quickly in the morning .

速度快 he can ran fast.

离开le**e beijing与 le**e for beijing 离开北京与去北京 i left my homework at home.

for 寻找make friends 交朋友

sb. to 邀请某人 invitation 邀请(名词,不可)

the order 按顺序

29. practice doing 练习做

hello / goodbye to sb.向某人问好/说再见

from… 向…学习。

very good 出色的;杰出的;优等的

33. hear from 收到某人来信。

/ forget to do sth. 记住/忘记了做某事(事情还没做)

remember to go to the post office.

remember/forget doing sth记住/忘记做某事(事情已经做了)don't you remember seeing the man before?

mistake 犯错误

(名词) advise (动词) 建议 advise sb to do sth

module 2

1. 语法:现在完成时 h**e(has) +done 表示:已经、曾经

2. ever h**e you ever been to shanghai? yes, i h**e. /no, i h**en't ( no, never.)

3. experience 经验(不可),经历(可)

4. kind 种类 all kinds of animals 各种动物

kind 仁慈的,和善的it's kind of you to invite me to your 你太好了邀请我参加你的晚会。

of有点儿,有一些beihai park is kind of quiet . 北海公园有点安静。

true 成为现实

在国外(副词)be abroad 在国外go abroad 去国外

day 某天。

over china 全中国

than = over 超过

out 卖光

from= come from 来自

又(一)个,再一(个)(指三个以上) another apple,another two apples

sb. sth.= send sth. to sb.送某人某物

around the world 环游世界

price of 的**what's the price of the book ?=how much the book?

off 起飞;脱下land 土地;着落


do you reckon ?=what do you think ? 你是怎么认为的?

感到兴奋的 are you excited about going to beijing? 你要去北京了,感到兴奋吗?

exciting 令人兴奋的 he told us an exciting story yesterday. 他昨天给我们讲了一个使人激动的故事。

22.类似的词,surprising /surprised;interesting/interested

to sleep睡觉 = go to bed

asleep睡着的 = fall in asleep

up 站起来;起床。

plane 坐飞机=take a plane =on a plane

fly to sw.=go to sw. by plane 坐飞机到某地

the end 结束时 in the end 最终,终于 , next to , near 三个词都是“在旁边,在附近,靠近”的意思:但是表示远近时候还是有区别的。从近到一般近到最近为:

near > beside > next to

sth. for sb. 为某人做什么饭菜=cook sb. sth. sth. for sb. =buy sb. sth.为某人买什么。

31. problem(需要 solve 解决)的问题 question(需要 answer 回答的)问题

32. yet (迄今)还,已经(用于否定句和疑问句中).

has the bell rung yet? it has not rung yet. 已经敲钟了吗? -还没有。

anne has already finished. 安妮已经做完了

to do sth.怎么样做某事

can you tell me how to learn english well?

can you tell me how i can learn english well?

以前;在…之前(常用完成时ago 以前(过去时)his parents died ten years ago.他父母十年前都去世了。i h**e never been there before我以前从来没有去过那里 i h**e never seen him before. 我以前从未见过他。

module 3


2.时间状语:since (时间点); for (时间段)

are you up to? =what are you doing? 你在做什么?

latest news 最近的消息

months 几个月

yet 还没有

take sb +时间+to do sth(某人做某事花了多少时间

it took me two hours to do my homework yesterday.

i spent two hours (in)doing my homework yesterday.

i spent two hours on my homework yesterday.

the homework cost my two hours yesterday.

与 cost 与 pay 一样还可以表示―花钱。

been to 是曾去过某地方,但已经回到说话现场

h**e gone to 是去某地的旅途中或去了某地还没回来。

例:i h**e been to guangzhou twice. (我去广州两次了,此时该人不再广州)


module 1 1.translate into 把 翻译成 translation 翻译 名词 number of 的数字 a number of numbers of many 许多 down 写下,记下 write it down write down your mistakes 其他 wh...


翻译下列句子。1.我女儿总是帮助我洗餐具。my daughter always help me 2.我父母在1965年结的婚。my parentsin 1965.3.今天下午我们将打扫卫生。we llthis afternoon 4.冰箱里有喝的吗is therein your fridge?5.此...


modul重点单词 postcard 2.more 更多 3.thousand 一千 4.kil里5.million 百万 6.mexico 墨西哥 7.canada 加拿大8.方位名词东 east 南 south 西 west 北north 重点短语 look at 看 2.a pictugrea...