
发布 2022-12-28 14:15:28 阅读 1876

unit 4 why don’t you talk to your parents?

1. 闲逛。

2. 浏览。

3. 生某人的气。

4. 解决;算出。

5. 与某人交流。

6. 害怕。

7. 不再。

8. 各种各样。

9. 依。看。

10. 归还。

11. 与…和睦相处。

12. 担心。

13. 删除;删去。

14. 比较;对比。

15. 调小。

16. 允许某人做。

17. 直到。才。

19. 你认为。怎么样。

20. 拒绝做某事。

21. 继续做某事。

22. 去睡觉。

1. why don't you do sth ?=why not do sth? 为什么不。呢?


1)what aboutsth ?=how aboutsth?

2)why don’t yousth?= why notsth??


4) would you likesth?

5)had bettersth

回答】1). 同意对方的建议时,一般用。

2). 表示委婉的谢绝时,一般用。

活学活用】2017天津4】35.— why not go to lao she teahouse tonight

a. it doesn't matter b. thank youc. sorry to hear that d. sounds great

2017广东广州4】25.—i feel really tired

a. lucky you! b.

you’d better work harder. c. congratulations!

d. why not go and h**e a rest?

2016四川凉山3】37. —it’s a nice day, isn’t it? —yes.__going hiking and relax ourselves?

a. why not b. why don’tc. what about

2015湖南益阳】you look too tired. why not __a rest?

a. stop to h**e b. to stop h**ingc. stop h**ing

2. allow v 允许。



活学活用】we don’t allowsmoke) in the reading room.

our teacher allows usgo) out for a walk.

the boy should be allowed___play) after supper.

we won’t allow __in the cinema .but you are allowed __in the rest room.(smoke)

teenagers shouldallow) to choose their own clothes.

3. 状语从句

1)[{t': span', cr': r_6意为“直到。才”。



活学活用】2018山东临沂2】23. please hold on to your dream __one day it comes true.

a. ifb. untilc. unlessd. though

2018浙江丽水3】18. —hey, man. you can’t cross the street now.

you h**e to wait __the traffic turn green.

oh, sorry and thank you.

a. when b. afterc. untild. while

2017曲靖中考】 _my father isn’t pleased with his working environment , he still works hard.

a. andb. although c. butd. before

2015福建福州3】41. —the boy can speak both english and japanesehe is only ten.

wow, what a clever boy!

a. ifb. unlessc. althoughd. because

2015浙江宁波3】32. —look! some people are running the red lights.

—we should wait __others are breaking the rule.

a. ifb. unlessc. althoughd. because

4. look through 浏览。

拓展】look forlook afterlook like

look throughlook outlook forward to

look aroundlook up

2016四川泸州】9. can you help me to __my dog when i le**e for hong kong?

a. look afterb. look fo c. look at d. look through

2015湖北**】30. here is the book. firstit and then tell me what you think of it.

a. look intob. look through c. look up d. look after

5. hang over 挂在。之上; 悬浮在。之上。

拓展】hang outhang up

6. kind





3) adv. 有点。



a. nicewell



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