
发布 2022-12-28 16:41:28 阅读 7065


一。短语 up 成长;长大 day 每天 sure about对…有把握 sure确信务必 把…送到… able to …能 meaning of …的意思 kinds of 不同种类的 common 共同,共有 the beginning of =at the start在…初 down写下;记下 to do with 关于;与…有关系 up 开始做;学着做 ever 几乎不太…以至于不能 a resolution to do sth..下决心做某事17take/h**e medicine.

吃药。二。用法。1want to do sth想要做某事 going to +动词原形 .

打算做某事 doing sth.练习做某事 on doing sth.不断地做某事 to do sth.

学会做某事6finish doing sth.做完某事 to do sth许诺做某事 sb. to do sth.

帮助某人做某事 to do sth.记住做某事 to do sth.同意做某事 to do sth.


三。句子。1.--what do you want to be when you grow up?你长大后想做什么??

---i want to be a basketball player我想成为一名篮球运动员。

2.--how are you going to do that??你打算怎样做?

---i am going to practice basketball every day.我打算每天练习篮球。

3my friend wants to be an engineer.我的朋友想成为一名工程师。

is going to study math .他准备学习数学。

are you going to do next year?.

am going to take guitar lessons.我准备去上吉他课。


8i am going to write articles and send them to magazines and news*****s.我打算写文章并把文章发给杂志和报纸。

want to be an engineer. i’m going to study math

10. i want to be a scientist. i’m going to study science.

11. i want to be a school teacher. i’m going to study education.

12. i want to be a soccer player. i’m going to practice soccer hard.

13. i want to be a reporter. i’m going to keep on write articles.

14. i want to be a doctor. i’m going to study medicine

want to be a singer. i’m going to take singing lessons.

16. i want to be a cook. i’m going to go to a cooking school.

want to be a race car driver. i’m going to buy a fast car.

18. i want to be an actor/actress. i’m going to take acting lessons.

19. i want to be a pianist. i’m going to take piano lessons

20. i want to be a computer programmer. i’m going to study computer science

want to be a polit. i’m going to exercise every day.

want to be a writer. i’m going to read and write many stories.


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