
发布 2022-12-28 14:14:28 阅读 5068

unit 5 what were you doing when the rainstorm came?

1. 闹铃响。

2. 接**。

3. 入睡,睡着。

4. 逐渐消失。

5. 看一看。

6. 努力向前。

7. 沉默。

8. 拆除,记录。

9. 首先,起初。

10. 走路回家。

11. 等待。



14. 确保。

15. 醒来。

16. 打扫干净。

17. 害怕做。

19. 指出。

20. 逃跑。

21. 停止做。

22. 就我所知。






hewatch) tv last night.

hewatch)tv at nine last night.

活学活用】2018浙江杭州4】sally took a photo of her friends while theycomputer games.

a. play b. are playing c. h**e played d. were playing

2017黑龙江绥化3】my uncle __books in the room at this time yesterday.

a. was seeing b. is reading c. was reading

2016黑龙江齐齐哈尔3】what___you___when the captain came in?

a. are; doing b. did; do c. were; doing


1. now jim’s sisterread) news*****s.

at nine last night.

last night.

4. whatthe twinsdo) then?

5. her mothercook) while her father was watching tv.

6youh**e) supper at that time?

7. jacknot read) a book at nine yesterday evening.

8. look! jimplay) basketball on the playground(操场).

9. when the teacher came in, the studentsread) the text.

10. wewatch) tv when suddenly the telephone rang.


go overgo awaygo off

go bygo for a walkgo fishing/shopping/skating/swimming

活学活用】2018浙江9】i was late today because my alarm clock didn’t___

a. run offb. go offc. give out d. give up

2011广西南宁市】30.—what a big storm last night!

—yes. i was doing my homework. suddenly, all the lights in my house___

a. went off b. turned off c. took off d. got off

2011山西中考】how i wish could sleep longer! however, i had to get up as soon as the alarm clock __

a. ran offb. went off c. took off

3、he**ily adv 在很大程度上


活学活用】2016漳州】18. the sun is shining __you'd better wear sunglasses while you are out.

a. brightly b. lightly c. he**ily

2016黔西南】121. sometimes it rainsin guizhou in summer .

a. he**ily b. he**y c. strongd. strongly

4、pick up 一词多义。

活学活用】2015陕西2】25. the workers in the huashan mountains h**e to __rubbish to keep the mountains clean.

a. turn up b. pick up c. mix up d. give up

2017湖北武汉1】40. it seems that the aged peoplethe h7n9 more easily from the recent case.

a. pick up b. mix up c. set up d. use up

5、【辨析】also /too/as well/ either

活学活用】tom can sing this song . i can sing it, _

tom can sing this song, i can sing it __

tom can sing this song, i can __sing it.

tom couldn’t sing this song, i couldn’t


活学活用】wethem by the score of 2 to 1. 我们以2:1赢了他们。

which teamthe football match? 哪个对赢了那场足球赛?

7、sleep / asleep 辨析:

活学活用】1jim, where is your sister? —oh,she is stillin bed.


unit 4 why don t you talk to your parents?1.闲逛。2.浏览。3.生某人的气。4.解决 算出。5.与某人交流。6.害怕。7.不再。8.各种各样。9.依。看。10.归还。11.与 和睦相处。12.担心。13.删除 删去。14.比较 对比。15.调小。16.允许...


unit 2 i ll help to clean up the city parks section a 打扫干净。摔倒 摔伤。失去生命。因为 介意做某事 建立设立。感到恶心。呼吸困难。在困境中。坚持做某事。对。感兴趣。1.you could help clean up the city park...


unit 1 will people h e robots?一 重点语法 一般将来时 will shall 动词原形。i,we 可用 shall will 用于所有人称 一般将来时的另外两种表达形式 be going to 动词原形 现在进行时am is are doing。一般将来时的常用时间状语...