
发布 2022-12-28 13:17:28 阅读 6439



时间:120分钟满分:150分 )


第ⅰ卷客观题部分 (共三部分,满分100分)

第一部分听力( 每小题1.5分, 满分30分)


1. a. b. c.

2. a. b. c.

3. a. b. c.

4. a. b. c.

5. a. b. c.


) 6. what test will the boy h**e?

a. english. b. mathc. chinese.

) 7. what team is alice on?

a. basketball. b. volleyball. c. football.

) will the girl do on sunday?

a. she will h**e a violin lesson.

b. she will visit her grandparents.

c. she will h**e a piano lesson.

) the girl watch tv last night?

a. yes, she did. b. no, she didn’t. c. we don't know.

) does the girl do on sunday afternoon?

a. she practices speaking english.

b. she plays computer games.

c. she reads books.


) 11. what does the boy want to do?

a. h**e a party at his house.

b. h**e a party at school.

c. h**e an exhibition at school.

) 12. what does the boy h**e to do?

a. do his homeworkb. do the shopping. c. do some chores.

) 13. which room does the boy need to clean?

a. the bedroomb. the living room. c. the bathroom.

) 14. what is the boy's father doing?

a. he is writing a report.

b. he is writing a letter.

c. he is writing a book.

) 15. what will the boy's mother buy for the party?

a. fruit and drinks. b. drinks and vegetables. c. drinks and snacks.


)16. mary feels terrible, so she doesn’t go to school.

)17. the doctor thinks mary should exercise more.

)18. in the afternoon mary feels better and goes to school.

)19. mary's teacher and classmates come to see her in the morning.

)20. miss smith thinks mary shouldn't read a book now.


第一节: 选出与画线部分意思相同的一项。(每小题1分,共5分)

)21. could you help me repair my bike?

a. clean up b. put up c. give up d. fix up

)22. our monitor always helps the teachers give out *****s.

a. hand in b. hand out up d. put off

)23. what’s the matter?

a. what’s wrongb. what’s the wrong

c. how’s wrongd. how’s the matter

)24. you should take care of yourself.

a. look for b. look at c. look after d. take care

)25. she could swim when she was four years old.

a. in the age of fourb. at the age of four years old

c. at the age of fourd. in her four

第二节: 单项选择。从a,b,c,d四个选项中,选出最佳答案。(每小题1分,共15分)

)26. to ourjack arrived on time today. he was always late for class before.

a. surpriseb. surprised c. surprising d. surprises

)27. ann used to __in the morning, but now she is used to __in the evening.

a. run, run b. running, run c. run, running d. running, runs

)28. i want to work in the food bank tothe food to the hungry people.

a. help outb. put outc. work out d. give out

)29.—could i your bike?

— you can’t it to others.

a. lend , borrow b. borrow, lend c. lend, lendd. borrow, borrow

)30. you could s**e some money you can buy a gift for your mother.

a. in order tob. becausec. sod. so that

)31. —could you please sweep the floor?

i h**e to do my homework.

a. yes, sure b. of course c. sorry, you can’t d. sorry, i can’t

)32. -i cut myself by accident when i was ****** dinner!

a. you should see a dentistb. you should put some medicine on it.

c. you should drink some hot water. d. you should put your head back.

)33. we need toa plan to solve the problem.

a. come up b. catch up c. come up with d. catch up with

)34. there are some things for children. let’sto the poor families.


时间120分钟,总分150分 班级 姓名成绩。一 语文知识及运用 36分 1 下列加点字注音无误的一项是 3分 a 繁衍 y n 侏儒 r 恍然 hu ng 滞留 zh b 烨然 hu 泠泠 l ng 轩邈 mi o 炽热 ch c 广袤 m o 禁锢 g 文绉绉 zh u 庶亲 sh d 匿名 n...


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