
发布 2022-12-28 12:09:28 阅读 5714

unit 8 why don’t you get her a scarf?


一) 直接建议法: let’s+动词原形“我们一起做某事把。 let’s sing the song together

you should/could(not)+动词原形=you are (not) supposed to do sth

i advise sb to do sth...我建议你做某事”

二) 委婉建议法:shall/can/could/may/must i/we+动词原形 “我们做某事好吗”

shall we meet at the station . 我们在车站见面好吗?

what shall /should i/we do ? would you mind (not)+ 动词原形。

三) 征求性建议法:what /how about +名词/代词/动名词?“做某事怎么样”

how about going to a movie?

四) 劝告性建议法:you’d better (not) +动词原形 /it’s better to do sth“你最好做/不做某事”it’s very hot today. you’d better stay at home.

五) 责备性建议法:why don’t you +动词原形= why not+动词原形“你为什么不做某事呢” why don’t you buy a sweater?=why not buy a sweater?

六) 请求性建议法:would you like+(not)to do sth? “你愿意(想)做/不做某事吗” would/could you please do /not do sth?


肯定回答:1. good idea.

2. that sounds like a good i’ll do/try that. would be very love/like to.

that’s fine.7. that’s great.

否定回答:like that, but … 2. no, i don’t think so.3. no way. not sure...

第一课时。学习内容:section a

评论、意见 h**e some comments on/upon/about sb/sth有关某人/某事的一些评论/意见 make a comment on……对……作出评论 no comment 无可奉告。

2、an album 一本集子 a beautiful photo一本漂亮的影集。

3、personal adj.私人的、个人的 n. person adv.

personally 放在句首,依个人而言, 亲自的 something personal 个人的东西 too personal 太个性化。

adj. anything special not special enough不够特别。

special adv. specially n. 特色菜 some specials

5 .receive 收到 eg: ①i __his invitation but didn’t __it.

receive presents/gifts

receive sth from sb=get sth from sb 从某人那得到某物。

adi./adv+enough 不定代词+adj.+enough enough+ 接受 get 得到、获得。


1、what should i get my mom for her birthday?我妈妈过生日我给她买什么呢?①what should i/we do …?

我(们)该……呢?”用来向对方征求意见或看法。②get sb sth =get sth for sb“给某人买某物”

2、why don’t sb+v原形=why not+v原形为什么不……?

eg: why don’t you watch tv?=why not watch tv?

3、what a lucky guy!这是一个感叹句,感叹句一般由what或how开头,后用陈述语序,句尾加感叹号①what+a /an+adj+单名+(主+谓)!=how +adj+主(the+单名)+谓语!

eg: what a kind girl(she is)!=how kind the girl is!


what beautiful flowers(they are)! what bad weather it is !

how+adj/adv+主+谓 eg: how happy the children are!


)1.“_kind girl nancy is!” yes,she is always ready to help others.” a a

)2.--why not the music club?--i’m sorry,i can’t sing or dance .”join join in

)3、what a beautiful dress you are wearing

thanks you is isn’t

about going out for a walk?(改为同义句go out for a walk?

weather is very warm .(改为感叹句)

the weather isit is!

第二课时。学习内容:section b

学习目标:1、学会谈论,比较物品的质量。 2、熟练运用重点概览里的词、短语及句子。

1、spider man 蜘蛛侠 some spiders 2、mouse 老鼠复数 mice

3、perfect adj 完美的,理想的 完全地十分。非常。

eg: practice makes perfect.熟能生巧nobody is___人无完人you arewrong .

←反义词→ disadvantage. h**e the advantage of sth 具有…的优势。

5、company n.公司 some companiesn. 伙伴、陪伴 keep company with 与……结交。

eg:i h**e kept __with him for two years , and i enjoy his___

now we’re working in the samefor company 作为同伴。

6 a 6-year-old child.一个6岁的孩子an 8/11/18/80-year-old boy. kid=child children

on children’s day在儿童节那天the most unusual pet.最不平常的宠物。

7. keep/raise/feed a pet 喂养一个宠物 day =all day long 整天。

one’s+序数词 +birthday 在某人几岁生日那天 in one’s+整十的复数在某人几十岁时 in his thirties/forties 在某人三/四十岁时。


1.在他八岁生日的时候,我给了他一件礼物i g**e him a gift.

2.狗对于小孩来说真难照顾。dogs areto take care of

3.有时候我没有足够的时间照顾她。sometimes i don’t h**e enough time

4. 我有一只叫“宝贝”的狗。他是我的伙伴。 i h**e a dog __baby”. he is my___

5. she is十八岁的) girl.



1、cost-cost-cost sth cost sb some money=①.

2、 asleep--awake adj 只做表语 be asleep sleeping adj 做定语 a sleeping car 卧铺车厢 sleepy 困乏的、想睡的 feel sleepy fall asleep=go to sleep入睡(动作) 瞬间动词be asleep 睡着(状态)延续性动词 go to bed **睡觉 sleep—slept—--slept

eg:iat nine last night, but i didn’tat twelve. i only___for 5 hours.



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