
发布 2022-12-28 10:56:28 阅读 5515

一、 be going to 结构。

1) 表示计划、安排及打算。

2) 条件句中,一般用will/shall 结构代替be going to 结构。

if it doesn't rain tomorrow ,we就来) to your home

if he agrees with us ,he成为)a member .

3) there are /is going to be =there will be

we will h**e a meeting in your classroom this friday .=there is going to be a meeting in our classroom this friday .

仿写:he will h**e a party in his home tomorrow

选填:there is going to __h**e/be) a tall building over there next year .

4) 表示位置移动的词,在be going to 结构中往往用进行时代替。如:come ,return ,go ,arrive ,le**e .

he is going to come here soon .=he is coming soon .

仿写:they are going to arrive in an hour .

5)按自然规律一定要发生的事情,一般用will 而不用be going to 结构:


二、主语+will /shall+动词原形+。。结构表示将要发生的事情。

1 一般情况下,与be going to 结构可以互换。

we shall make a visit to him next month .

2 条件状语从句和时间状语从句中,一般用will/shall 结构。

if he __not come ) tonight ,we __

not hold the party).

3 shall 与will 不可搞混。


1) we shall stand up.

2) i shall call for help in such an situation .

3)he will help us with our work .

三、can 、may 、must 注意事项。

1 过去式:can---could ;may---might .must 没有人称、数、时态变化。

he can swim now .

he could swim three years ago .

you must tell the truth .

he must tell the truth .

2 否定回答以及变为否定句时,它们的变化规律如下:

can—cant ;may –mustn’t

must---needn’t/ don't h**e to ;



1)i can swim

2)he must hand it in now.

3) she need answer the door at once .

4) the little boy can also come here .

3 当这几个词表示推测时,否定句通常都用can’t。


1 )he can be in the teacher’s office

2) it may be raining in the south of china recently .

3) you must be right .

四、had better 和不定式的否定形式。

had better do sth --had better not do sth .

to do sth --not to do sth 。




1 以过去某个时间为基准:动作已经结束的,用一般过去时,动作正在进行的,用过去进行时。

1) he was busy all this morning ,he __

write) a novel .

2) he __put) on his coat and went out .

2 由when 和while引导的时间状语从句中,发生在前面且持续时间久的动作用过去进行时,发生在后面,持续时间短的用一般过去时。

1)when we __lie) in bed ,he___come) in .

2) theybegin) their lessons when ithappen).

3) while you __pass)the post office , he __see) you.


1) 形容词或副词前有a little(bit) ,even(更) much(比…得多)时,该形容词或副词用比较级形式。


he is only a littleill) than yesterday .

i am muchnice) .

it is even __cold) today .

2 比较级前不加the,但句中有of 时例外。

1)which do you like __good), pe or music?

2 ) she is __beautiful) of the twins .

3 比较级和最高级可以转变,意思不变。

he is the cleverest in our class .

he is clever than any other student in our class .


chang jiang is the long river in china .

he is short than any other in his class.

4 最高级变为比较级时,如果句子主语跟后面表示范围的词具有所属关系时any后要加other ,否则,不要other .

练习:用any 、any other 填空。

the desk is more expensive than __

one in this shop.

the desk in this shop is more expensive

than __one in that shop.

5 比较对象相同时,可用that /those 代替另一比较对象。that 用于单数或者不可数,those 用于复数。

选填:the weather in shanghai is better than __in tian jin .

the students in our class came earlier than___in his class .


学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考。建议某人做某事。情态动词 用来提建议,表示应该的意思。后接动词原形 should 动词原形 翻译为 好好休息息。take h e可以互换。不应该为感官动词。a.后接表示看 听到某人在做某事。表示经常性地或者是习惯性的动作。看到或听到的这个动作的整个过程。b.后接。表示看...


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1.为。加油 cheer on 2.比起。更喜欢做。prefer to 3.成长,长大 grow up 4.未来,今后 in the future 5.放弃 give up sth doing sth 6.参加 活动 take part in 7.参加划船俱乐部 join the rowing cl...