
发布 2022-12-28 10:27:28 阅读 6557

period 2 section a 3a---grammar focus

二、 自主学习:1、自学单词,并快速记忆2、速度短文,掌握大意。


三、合作** 1、再读短文,小组讨论完成3c.

2、大声朗读grammar focus重要语法句子,并讨论其用法。

3、翻译:see sb doing___next to __in time __

without thinking twiceget off___

wait for___right away___to one ’surprise___thanks to___get into trouble___think about___h**e a fever___hurt oneself___agree to do sth___



2、情态动词should 的用法:should后跟___变疑问时把should __便否定句时,在should后面加__;should构成的一般疑问句肯定回答用___否定回答用___


1、__the matter___ben ? ben 怎么啦?

2、but to his___they all___to go with him.让他感到惊讶的是,大家都同意跟他一起去。

3多亏了)tom, the doctors s**ed the man in time.

4---should i put some medicine on it ? yes ,you__/no, you __

八年级英语下册unit 1 what ’s the matter?

period 3 section a 4a—sectionb2a

一、 学习目标:掌握新单词和短语,二、自主学习:1、自学单词并速记,朗读grammar focus语法句子。

2、完成section a 4a ,4b , section b 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a

四、合作交流: 1、翻译: what happened

hurt his backtake sb to sw___

tell sb (not)to do sthfall down___

run it under water___has a nosebleed___

hurt oneselfcut oneself___

enjoy oneself___by oneself___

2、小组对话完成section a 4c, section b 1d


1、--i __when i played basketball yesterday.

what___i do ?我昨天打篮球时受伤了。

--you should see a doctor and __an x-ray.你应当去看医生并做x光检查。

2we go to school?我们应该去学校吗?

---no, you __不,不应该。

3、someone got __the head.有人的头部被击中了。

4、when you hurt your finger with a knife, you should __

it under water.当你的手指被小刀割伤了,你应该放水里冲洗一下。

八年级英语下册unit 1 what ’s the matter?

period 4 section b 2b---self check

一、 学习目标;: 速读短文,掌握大意,解决问题。

三、 自主学习:1、自学单词并速记2、速度短文,掌握大意。



be interested in __cut off___give up___

take risksone of

because of___run out(of) _be ready to___so that___so…that___get out off___

be in control ofkeep on doing sth __

make a decision __be used to

lose one’s life___



1、my sister is used to___read) in the library.

2、a 5-year –old girl___call) li ping was lost yesterday.

3、smoking is bad for your health ,you should__ it___戒掉).

4、did you make a___decide) to go to beijing?

5、after le**ing the high school , he realized the___important) of knowing english.

6、although he is tired, he still kept on___work).

英语人教版八年级下册Unit1 Unit3复习

精品文档。unit1 unit3复习导学案。一 学习目标。1.掌握重点短语词组2.掌握重点固定搭配。3.能够灵活运用一般将来时4.掌握情态动词could的用法。二 学习重点 重点短语词组及固定搭配。学习难点 一般将来时态 情态动词could的用法。三 学习课时 2 四 教学过程 一 自主学习1.英汉...


这样导入新课,自然创设学习情景,引起学生共鸣,引起学生的兴趣。二 快速阅读 skimming 4 任务 让学生带着要求快速阅读课文 get the main idea of the whole passage.这个环节是让学生初读课文,目的是训练快速阅读技巧,学生以较快的速度完成阅读,迅速找到答案。...


知识点 1 重点短语。free免费,有空。2.live to be 200 years old 活到200岁。3.use the subways less 少用地铁。4.five years ago五年前。5.in five years五年之后。6.live in an apartment 住在公寓...