
发布 2022-12-28 10:26:28 阅读 5095

课题: unit10 i’ve had this bike for three years.

lesson 1

编制人:何有琼审核人: 学生姓名: 班级: 学成情况:


课堂目标】1、学习10单元p73, p74的单词和短语,能够正确的拼写单词和短语。

2、复习现在完成时的用法 ,理解现在完成时的构成和意义。




自我检测】 单项选择。

( )1you ever __to an aquarium?

---yes, we had a good time there.

a. h**e, goneb. had, been c. h**e, been

) 2. i __my grandpa last sunday.

a. h**e visitedb. visitedc. was visiting

) 3. she __shanghai for a month.

a. has come to b. came toc. has been in

) 4. lu xun __more than fifty years ago.

a. diedb. has died c. has been dead

) 5. fanny __tv at this time last saturday.

a. has watched b. was watching c. watched

) 6. -h**e you __been to our town before?

---no, it's the first time i __here.

a. even, h**e come b. ever, come c. ever, h**e come

)5. shesupper since six thirty.

a. has b . had c. has had d. doesn't h**e

)6. you ever studied with over 3 friends?

a. will b. h**e c. ared. do

)7. has mary what she would do?

a. decide b. decided c. decision d. decides

)8. it's good to see foxes because they are during the night, and we can see them walking.

a. awake b. alone c. asleep d. wake

)9. how long has he been __for you?

a. wait b. waiting c. waited d. wrote

)10. they h**e __school for one year.

a. be away from b. been away from c. left d. been le**ing

)11. mr. he died last year. he __for several months already.

a. has been dying b. has died c. has been dead d. died

课题:unit10 i’ve had this bike for three years.

lesson 2

编制人:何有琼审核人: 学生姓名: 班级: 学成情况:



2、学习3a ,理解短文的大意,能够流畅的朗读课文。




一、 用所给词的正确形式填空。

)52. we h**e several new teachers this semester.

a. some b. a fewc. a lot of d. hundreds of

)53. the foreign has been learning english for two years.

a. after two years ago b. since two years ago c.

during the two years d. two years after that

)54. mr zhang says he knows every teacher in your school.

a. all the teachers b. whole the teachers c. each teacher d. none of the teachers

( )57. i didn’t finish writing my test because i ran out of time.

a. runb. finishedc. didn’t h**e d. use

)58. i’m certain i will be here for the olympic games in 2008.

a. am sureb. surec. certainlyd. surely

)59. lu ling started to skate at eight o’clock and has been skating for three and a half hours.


unit 10 i ve had this bike for three years.period 2 审核 八年级英语备课组班级 姓名 成果巩固 翻译下列词组 庭院拍卖会布绒玩具鼓励某人做某事关于 的历史和发展去过某地。去了某地一个令人放松和宁静的地方。观察,查看棋类游戏初级中学。游乐园甘肃省做某...


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八年级下册英语 人教版 单词默写版Unit

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