八年级上学期的英语语法总结 精

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many, many a(n, a good / great many, a (great / large number of, scores of, dozens of等。例如:

scores of people went there in the first few days after its opening.


i h**e been there dozens of times.


there’re a number of students reading english in the classroom.


many a student has(=many students h**evisited the great wall.(谓语动词用单数。


in winter, a good many animals sleep under the snow.


注意: many所修饰的复数名词前若有限定词,many 后面要接of, 表示―……中的很多‖。例如:

a great many(of the graduates h**e found jobs.



much, a great deal of, a great / large amount of等。例如:

is there much water in the bucket?


he always has a great amount of work to do.



a lot of, lots of, plenty of (以上三个词语后谓语动词的数依of 后的名词的单复数而定,a great / large quantity of (其后谓语用单数,quantities of (其后谓语用复数。例如:

there is still lots of snow in the garden.


there is plenty of rain here.


a great quantity of flowers was placed in the hall.


there are large quantities of food in the cupboard.


在所有这些表示―很多‖的词语中many, much 是最常用的词,它们既可以用于肯定句,也可以用于疑问句和否定句。例如:

are there many people in the street?


there isn’t much time left.


其它的词语都用于肯定句,日常会话中常用lots of, a lot of 或plenty of; 正式文体中常用a great many, a (large number of, a great deal of, scores of 或dozens of 等。但若肯定句中有too, so, as, very或how 等词修饰时,则必须使用many, much。例如:

the number of the people who lost their homes reached as many as 250,000.


there is too much work to do.


或者是这样的,你自己看下,哪unit 1 how often do you exercise?

grammar: 特殊疑问句:wh-questions: what, who, where, when, which, whose, why, whom等。


结构:特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句,即:特殊疑问词+be/助动词/情态动词+主语+谓语/表语(+其他。

疑问代词:1 who:谁。做主语,用来指人who is the boy under the tree?

2whom 谁,做宾语,用来指人whom are you writing to?

3 whose 谁的,用来指所属关系,如果做定语,一般后接名词whose pen is this?

4 which 哪个,哪些,用来指对人或物在一定范围之内进行选择which grils wil l in the sports meeting? which pen is lily’s?

5what什么,通常指物,也可指人,一般用在没有指出范围的情况下what can you see in the picture? what are you doing now?

疑问副词:when:何时,询问时间when will she come back?

where何地,询问地点,where do you come from?

why为什么,询问原因,why are you late for school?

how 如何,询问手段、方式、工具以及程度等how do you usually go to school?

how old多大,询问年龄,how old is jim’s little brother?

how many/much多少,询问数量how many birds are there in the tree?

how far多远,询问距离,how far is it form your home to school?

how long多长,多久,询问时间的长度或距离how long will you stay in beijing?

how often多长时间按一次,询问频率how often do you go to see your grandparents?

how soon多久,询问时间how soon will you come back?

频率副词:表示动作发生的频率,never, sometimes, often, usually, always.

unit 2 what’s the matter with you?


1. 用h**e 来描述身体不适h**e/h**e got a +疾病名字;得了……病。

2.情态动词should,情态动词should,can, may, must没有人称和时态的变化,后接动词原形。

unit 3 what are you doing for vacation?


表示将要做某事或计划打算做某事要用到句型―be+doing‖其中be是助动词,它有人称和单复数的变化。be: am, is, are.

be + 是现在进行时的形式,但用于表示将来。用进行时表将来,常用于表示即将来临的未来预定要做的事情,一般指个人计划要做的事。用于此情况的动词一般是表示位置转移的动词,如,go, come, le**e, start, arrive, move等。


i am going shopping this afternoon.

二。否定句是在be之后加not. i’m not going to shopping this afternoon.

三。一般疑问句是将be置于句首are you going shopping this afternoon?—yes, i am/ we are.

no, i’m not./ we aren’t.


what are you doing for vacation? when is he going camping? who are you going there with?

where is she going?

unit 4 how do you get to school?

grammar: how引导的特殊疑问句:是指以how, how far, how long, how old,how many, how much等词开头的疑问句。

how does he get to shool?--he takes the train to get to shool.

how long does it take to walk? -it takes about 35 minutes to walk.

how far is it from your home to school? it’s four miles f rom my home to school.

how old is he now? she is twelve years old now.

how many storybooks do you h**e? i h**e five storybooks. how much is this coat?

this coat is 200 yuan.

特殊疑问句的简略结构:how about…?+名词或动词-ing形式,用于提出建议、请求或征求意见、询问消息等。如:how about playing tennis?

unit 5 can you come to my party?



can 是最长用的情态动词,其后跟动词原形,can的否定形式为cannot,can’t.

can表―能力‖,意思是:能,会i can paly basketball,but i can’t swim.

can表示能力时可和be able to 互换,be able to有更多的时态,常被用来表示can所不能表示的将来或完成的概念。 they will be able to run this machine on their own in three months. 表示―可能性‖,意思是:

可以,可能。that big cinema can seat 5,000 people.


八年级,英语,语法,总结,八年级,英语,语法,八年级英语语法总结。1 le e的用法 1.le e 地点 表示 离开某地 例如 when did you le e shanghai?你什么时候离开上海的?2.le e for 地点 表示 动身去某地 例如 next friday,alice is l...


1 的用法。1.地点 表示 离开某地 例如 你什么时候离开上海的?2.地点 表示 动身去某地 例如 下周五,爱丽斯要去伦敦了。3.地点地点 表示 离开某地去某地 例如 你为什么要离开上海去北京?2 情态动词 应该 学会使用。作为情态动词用,常常表示意外 惊奇 不能理解等,有 竟会 的意思。例如 i ...


23接be动词原形或行为动词原形。may用于问意见或请求许可,否定回答为mustnot或can 是副词,也许,可能的意思,相当于perhaps,常放于句子开头。忘记做某事。forgetdoingsth.忘记做了某事。购物嗨,你们这些人!你一定是在开玩笑吧!mustbe表示肯定的猜测 它的否定或疑问用...