
发布 2022-12-28 05:32:28 阅读 2945

unit2 school life

1. why don’t dogs go to school? because dogs are cleverer than people.

why don’t sb(主格)+v(原形)=why not +v(原形)

2. what’s school like? it’s like watching tv.

be like doing sth. (like 介词,介词+doing)

they h**e to work harder.

h**e to +v(原形)不得不表示客观表主观不得不must

4. hard—harder –hardest 努力的比较级,最高级。

hardly ‘几乎不’ 是否定意义的副词 ,还有no, seldom ,few, little等

he can hardly speak englishhe?

5. but there are fewer advertisements.更少的广告。

an advertisement 一则广告 few/many advertisements

表示更多用more 最多the most

more milk , more trees , the most water, the most apples


fewer water , the fewest magazines, less juice, the least time

i’d love/like to, buti’m sorry,but...

in year 8 (year eight) 名词+基数词(首字母都要大写)

in grade eight= in the eighth grade

一般情况下:名词+基数词(首字母要大写)= the +序数词+名词(首字母小写)

eg. lesson one = the first lesson

a mixed school 一所男女生混合的学校。

h**e lessons 上课

learning foreign languages is fun. 动名词做主语,谓语动词用单数

fun n.乐趣;娱乐活动;有趣的事 adj.使人愉快的;开心的。

funny adj.滑稽的,可笑的。

what (great/good) fun! h**e fun it is fun. (都不要冠词)

区别: what fun they are h**ing swimming (swim) now!

what fun it is _to swim_ (swim) here!

they h**e problems _working_(work) out the questions.

they h**e problems _to work_ (work) out.

borrow “借入” lend “借出”

borrow sth. from sb. 向某人借某物 lend sth. to sb. 把某物借给某人。

buy sth for sb=buy sb sth buy-bought

plan for the weekend 周末计划 my future plan 我未来的计划。

plan to do sth 计划去做某事。


13. seem to do sth. 似乎做某事 seem (to be) +adj.

eg. he seems(to be) unhappy today.他今天似乎不高兴。

it seems that + 从句

eg. time seems_to go__(go)faster when we read interesting stories.

he seems _to be sad_(sadly)when he heard the bad news.

it seems that he is happy.(同义句) _he seems to be happy___

offer sb. sth. =offer sth. to sb. =give sth to sb 向某人提供某物

practise doing sth 练习作某事。

look forward to doing sth 期待做某事。

h**e a great time doing sth 很开心的做某事 enjoy doing

how(what) about doing 做某事怎样。

16. on friday afternoon on a clear night

on a cold morning 在具体的某天用介词on

discuss sth with sb=talk about sth with sb 和某人讨论某事。

hero –heroes (复数) 加es 的有 tomato 、potato 、mango

twice a week i play baseball after school.

twice a week once a week three times a week 提问用how soon

20. our team won two games last month.\

win won won winner

21. an article by an by a boy from the usa 一篇一个美国男孩写的文章

what else = what other things

else 常用在something / anything/ nobody等不定代词或what/ how/ when等疑问词之后,表示“别的,其他的”

注意: something else

something else important

somebody else’s

any other +名词单数= the other +名词复数

any other boy = the other boys

pend ..on sth. /in) doing sth. 花费。做某事。

wear uniforms 穿着校服 wear ties 打着领带。

do morning exercises 做早操 exercise “锻炼”不可数,其余都可数。

h**e (some time )off 休息(一段时间)

h**e time for something “有时间做某事”

go on a school trip 进行一次学校旅行。

half an hour 半小时

three hours and a half= three and a half hours 三个半小时。

h**e an english test 进行一次英语测试

read news*****s and magazines 读报刊杂志。

at weekends= at a weekend=on weekends= on a weekend 在周末。

near the end of the week 在接近这周的末尾处。

at the end of the class 在这节课的末尾处 at the end of the year 在岁末。

in the end 在最后。

end 动词=finish

our school ends earlier than usual

33. on the way home 在回家的路上 home、here、there 为副词,前不加to

on the way to school 在上学的路上。

we h**e a monthly test on each subject.

monthly adj 每月的 yearly 每年的 daily 每天的。

lovely 可爱的 friendly 友好的 brotherly 兄弟般的。


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