八年级第九单元检测题 二

发布 2022-12-27 06:18:28 阅读 5513

unit 9can you come to my party ?

重点归纳☆ 单元复习。

典型试题☆例1 —can you come to my party?

a. no, i don’t b. sure , that’s right c. sure ,i’d love to d. quiet well

解题思路】选c。此题考查对邀请用语的回答。对邀请用语的回答,肯定回答用“yes/sure/ certainly/ i’d love to”; 否定回答,就应委婉的说:

“i’m sorry, i can’t.”

例2 thank you forme to your party.

a. take b. asking c. to help d. telling

解题思路】选b。此题考查thank you/thanks for…句型的运用。for后面一般有两种情况:

(1)名词,如thanks for your help/ invitation.(2)动词+ing,如thanks for your helping me/ inviting me to your party.

例3 --mum, do i need to bring an umbrella with me?

-i’m afraid youit’s raining hard.

a. will h**e to b. need c. can d. needn’t

解题思路】此题中的need是行为动词,肯定回答可用助动词do代替,也可用need to。也可用h**e to代替,但h**e to强调客观上的必要性。选a

例4 --let’s go and play football

-that’s wonderful.

a. will you b. do you c. won’t you d. shall we

解题思路】选d。“let’s +动词原形…”,表示建议对方和自己一起去做某事,意为“让我们做 …吧”。在这个句型后常常加上“shall we”,使语气更加委婉。


一、根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。( 10分)

1. can you come to my birthday p___next week?

2. thank you for your ito h**e dinner with your family next sunday.

3. she can’t come, because she h___to babysit her brother.

4. he has a toothache. so he has to go to the d___

5. all the boys go to play football, but i can’t. i h**e to h**e a piano l

6. let’s watch the basketball mat 5:00 on tv.

7. class, you can dthis question first, and then tell me the answer.

8. i h**e a rbusy week.

9.--my mother is ill.

--i’m sto hear that.

10. can you come oto my house this weekend?


11. he with his mother___shopping every sunday.

a. is going b. go c. goes d. is going to

12. don’t___i’ll help you.

a. worry b. worried c. be worry d. to worry

13. thank you for___me the news. i’m glad to hear that.

a. tell b. tells c. told d. telling

14. it___the workers one year to build the hospital.

a. take b. takes c. use d. uses

15. she has to help her mother

a. doing washing b washing

c. for the washing d. with the washing

16. let the old man___the bus first.

a. get on b. to get up

c. to get on d. getting up

17. -can you sing the song___english?

-yes, i can.

a. with b. for c. to d. in

18. the cinema is far___our school.

a. to b. on c. from d. of

19. -would you like some tea?

--yes, just___

a. a few b. some c. a little d. little bit

20.—what a nice meal ! thank you for h**ing us.

a. it doesn’t matter b. it was a pleasure

c. not nice enough d. with pleasure

—yes, please. i’d like half a kilo of meat.

a. would you like some meat or fish b. what about something to eat

c. how do you like thisd. can i help you

22.—can you go to the great wall with us tomorrow?

a. yes, i can’t b. i’m afraid i can

c. sorry, i may not d. i’m sorry, i can’t

23. he went to england by___plane.

a./ b. the c. a d. an

24. usually in winter there’s __ice in the north.

a. few b. many c. too much d. much too

25. they reached beijing __the morning of july 6.

a. in b. on c. at d. from

26. —the sandwich is delicious.

would you like __one?


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