
发布 2020-03-14 05:19:28 阅读 2381




1、we h**e to make a decision that could mean life or death.2、what's wrongthe matter with tom?

3、you could visit the kids and cheer them up .4、i’ll help to clean up the city parks.5、the boy could give out food at the food bank .

6、we need to come up with a plan to hand out food.7、we should listen to them and care for them.8、"what happened?

" she asked in surprise.9、he had no idea how to take care of himself.10、i will call you up as soon as he comes back.

11、as a result, he often fell ill and his grades dropped.12、although she's wrong, it's not a big deal.13、why didn'tyou pick up my phone last night?

14、i was in the kitchen helping my mom.15、when you called, i was taking a shower.16、她该怎么办呢??













2.我应该量体温吗?should i ?

3.你需要远离电脑多休息。you need away from the computer.

5.令他惊讶的是,他们所有的人都同意和他一起去。, they all agreed to go with him.


wang and the passengers, the doctors s**ed the man in time.7.作为一位爬山者,阿伦习惯于冒险。

as a mountain climber, aron is used to .


last year, she decided for a volunteer after-school reading program.3.我可以做我爱做的事,同时可以帮助其他的人。

i can do what i love to do and help others .4.然后去年的一天,我的一个朋友帮我摆脱了困难。

then one day last year, a friend of mine me .5.她也认为一只狗也许能让我快乐起来。

she also thought a dog might me .7.我对养只狗的想法感到很兴奋。

i was the idea of h**ing a dog.8.在四岁的时候,她就可以独自阅读。

she could read by herself four.

9.我们可以张贴广告标语而且每人给10个学生打**。we could signs and each 10 students .

10.我和我的父亲很像,但是她像她妈妈。i’mto my father but sheher mother.

1、你能把垃圾倒了和叠衣服吗?could you and fold the clothes ?2、我刚在电视机前坐下,我的妈妈就走过来。

i sat down in front of the tv, my mom .3、你总是看电视,从来不帮忙打理家务!you watch tv and never around the house!

4、接下来一周,她没有做任何家务,我也没有。for one week, she did not do any housework and .5、现在的孩子已经有来自学校的足够大的压力。

kids these daysalready from school.


they should spend their time on schoolwork get good gradesand a gooduniversity.


children these days their parents too much.


helpstodevelopchildren'sindependenceandteachesthemhowto themselves.10、孩子越早学习独立,对他们的将来越好。

kids learn to beindependent, it is for their future.1、为什么你不坐下和你的哥哥交流?

why don't you sit down and your brother?2、我发现昨天我的妹妹查看我的东西。i found my sister my things yesterday.

5、他总是拒绝让我看我最喜欢的电视节目?he always let me watch my f**orite tv show.7、如果你的父母出现了问题,你应该提供帮助?

if your parents are h**ing problems,you should .



dear class,good morning!now let me report the work in our group. wu jun cleans

wang pingsometimes clothes for her family. as me, i usually help my fatherthe flowers.

in my opinion, it is necessary for us studentssome housework. by doingit, we can help our parents and understand them also learn totake care of . besides, we can relax ourselves hard work and develop our .

that’s all. thanks for!四、根据提示完成短文。

适当形式每空1分,计5分,汉语提示每空2分,计10分。共计15分)dear mary,i’msorrytohearthatyou’re(h**e)problemsatschool,butyoudon’tneed(worry)about it. you’re very clever.

i (相信)that you can do well if you(采纳)my advice. i think you should(talk)more with your friends aboutyour problems. don’t try(do) everything by yourself.

you can also tell yourparents or your teachers that you(需要一些帮助).(最后), you should (参加)some interesting activities after class to help(you).

jack is my friend. he playing computer games very much. he often sits in the same wayfor too longmoving.

now hea headache, sore eyes and a sore back. he doesn’t sleepatnight, so he feels tired day.

i think he should take breaksfrom the computer. he shouldn’t use the computer a longtime. he should do eye exercises his eyes go to bed early at night.

i think if he has a good rest, hewell soon.




now more and more people are(参加)the volunteer activities. i would like(become)a volunteer. i hopeto volunteer in a

儿童福利院)on saturdays. i’ll help them(打扫房间).i’ll(捐赠)some storybooks to them and tell them(story)

i like children, and i’m(擅长)singing and dancing. i speak english well and i can teach(they)english.

from the activity, i’ll be able(get)some joys and improve myself. i am sure i will(be)a good volunteer.


得分一 填空题 每空2分,共34分 1 某同学将两个定值电阻r1 r2串联后,接在电压为7 v的电源上,测出通过的电流是0.5 a,r1两端的电压是5 v,r2的电功率是 w。2 赵强同学家中有一个电热器,已知该电热器的电阻为100 当他将这个电热器接在家庭照明电路中,通电10 min产生的热量是 ...


unit 9 h e you ever been to an amusement park?一。重点词组。1.一个讲英语的国家 an english speaking country.2.毕业 le e school 3.水上乐园 water park4.曾经到过某个地方 h e been to 5...


unit 9 h e you ever been to an amusement park?一。重点词组。1.一个讲英语的国家 an english speaking country.2.毕业 le e school 3.水上乐园 water park4.曾经到过某个地方 h e been to 5...