八年级英语期中试卷人教版 朗文

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一。 本周教学内容。


一。 词汇10%(每空1分)


1. the d woman asked us to look after her child .

2. everyone e jim knows mr brown . jim is a new comer .

3. my mother enjoyed t around the world .

4. i t not to wake up my father the walked in quietly .

5. “s ” makes no s in the word “ island ”


6. go down this street until you reach the (第二)traffic lights .

7. what do i h**e to do if i want to be (瘦些)?

8. there may be some dangerous (老虎)on the island .

9. the children started to walk around the island . they talked and laughed (高兴).

10. mr. white showed us some (**)of their life in the usa .

二。 用所给动词正确形式填空10%(每空0.5)

1. there is nothing (worry)about .

2. —would you like (eat)some bread ?

— no , thank you . i don’t feel like (eat)anything .

3. while she lived here , her front gate was always locked(锁)and no one ever saw her (le**e)or saw anybody (go)in .

4. the football match is very exciting . let’s stop (watch)it .

5. i can’t decide where (go), what is your idea ?

6. jim (do)his homework at that moment . so i had to turn off the radio .

7. after cleaning the windows , she went on (cook)the supper .

8. they (build)another new bridge over the huangpu river not long ago .

9. she is sitting in her room (quiet).

10. they enjoyed (them)very much in the park last sunday .

11. he was too tired and fell (sleep)as soon as he went to bed .

12. though it was twelve at midnight , he was still (wake).

13. she did (badly)of all in her class in the exam last week .

14. mike jumped (far)than tom in the long jump .

15. the little baby has four (tooth)already .

16. well (do), everyone ! congratulations to the winners .

17. someone (ring)you up when you were out .

18. another way of “ phone ” is “ telephone ”(say).

三。 句型转换 10%(每空0.5)

1. they took good care of the children .

theythe children .

2. if lily does not feel well , take me instead .

you can take melily if she doesn’t feel well .

3. he is too young , so he can’t help his mother .

he is young help his mother .

4. they are visiting our country .

they are aour country .

5. you mustn’t jump the queue .

you mustyour .

6. it’s dangerous , so you can’t cross the street .

it’s dangerous youthe street .

7. he taught himself english two years ago .

he englishtwo years ago .

四。 完成句子,每空一词 10%(每空0.5)

1. 他太饿了,把盘子里的面包全部吃掉了。

he was hungry andall the bread on the plate .

2. 他不再逃跑了。

he3. 什么都不能阻挡我去看他。

can me going to see him .

4. 买完东西后,他往家走去。

after shopping , he his

5. 说着这些话,老师离开了教室。

the teacher left the classroom .

6. 每天我都一个人回家,但我并不感到孤独。

i go home alone every day , but i don’t

7. 然后他们开始环顾这个小岛。

then they started tothe small island .

五。 单项选择30%

1. give me bread , please .

a. a bit b. a bit of c. a few d. a little of

2. would you like cup of coffee ?

a. other b. the other c. others d. another

3. please put the books in your bag and .

a. take it home b. take them home c. take them to home d. take it to home

4. delicious soup it is !

a. how b. how a c. what d. what a

5. you play on the road . it’s dangerous .

a. must b. may c. mustn’t d. needn’t

6. he will come to see you if he free next week .

a. will be b. be c. is d. are

7. people can’t drive after they 60 .

a. get b. h**e c. reach d. arrive at

8. the food must be of all .

a. more delicious b. delicious c. most delicious d. the most delicious

9. we are all you . please don’t jump the queue .

a. before b. front c. after d. ago

10. he has nothing .

a. to complain b. complain about c. to complain about d. complaining

11. if someone jumps the queue , we’ll .


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城冲中心学校2013 2014学年度第二学期。八年级英语期中考试答题卷。一 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,写出各单词的正确形式 每空1分,10分 1.linda had a sore throat she c a lot her mother asked her to take an x ray....