
发布 2022-12-23 19:14:28 阅读 1499

1. while you were enjoying your trip, i was busy preparing for my exams. 当你欣赏你的旅途时,我正忙于准备考试。

2. i am looking forward to meeting him.我正期盼与他见面。

3. the tombs spread over an area of 40km.陵墓占地40平方千米。

4. he didn’t raise his hand until someone called him.他没有抬起他的头,直到某人叫他。

5. if people obey the traffic rules, there will be fewer


6. however, his path to success wasn’t smooth.然而,他成功的道路不是一帆风顺。

7. it seems impossible to beat his seven-time record.看起来似乎不太可能打破他七次的记录。

8. i think money must be a problem for him.我认为钱对他来说是问题。

9. may i invite you to our food festival? 我可以邀请你来我们的美食节吗?

10. maybe you don’t know whether is polite or not to speak loudly at the table.可能你还不知道吃饭时大声说话是不礼貌的。

11. wow, michael did best of all.哗,迈克做的最好。

12. the results were worth the effort.结果是值得努力的。

13. shall we meet at the school gate at 8 我们早上八点在校门口见面好吗?

14. he said he was doing his homework.他说他正在写作业。

15. here come another three models.这里有另外三个模特。

16. this passage is less difficult than that one.这篇文章没有那篇难。

17. as soon as darren saw his friends, he jumped up and down.达伦一看见她的朋友就跳了起来。

18. they didn’t go to work on monday morning, because they felt tired. 星期一早上他们没有上班,因为他们感到疲劳。

19. since you are going ,i will go too.既然你要走,我也走。

20. i saw the boy come across the street.我看见这个男孩走过这条街。

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