
发布 2022-12-23 15:51:28 阅读 7363


一。 找出下列词组和句子。

1)你怎么上学2)骑我的自行车3) 别的到校方式4)乘地铁5)开车上学6)步行7)步行上学8)骑车上学9)乘飞机上学 (10)乘小汽车11)到校12)花费某人一段时间做某事13)花费多长时间14)步行大约花费25分钟,乘公共汽车10分钟15)从他家到学校有多远16)离……很远17)离学校大约10公里远18)迅速地吃早饭19)动身去学校20)大约在6:3021)骑他的自行车去公共汽车站22)早班车23)送他去学校24)乘公共汽车的路程25)从你家到学校26)从家到学校花费你多长时间27)另外两名学生28)其余的学生29)地铁站30)两种交通方式31)骑我的自行车去地铁站32)想到33)世界各地的学生34)在北美35)大多数学生36)乘校车37)步行或骑自行车上学38)在世界上别的地区39)乘火车上学40)取决于你在哪41)乘小船上学42)那一定比乘公共汽车更有趣得多43)并非所有的学生44)与……不同45)三种最受欢迎的到校方式46)最受欢迎的交通方式47)一小部分学生48)许多



1)我骑自行车到校。 i get to school

i get to school___my bike.

imy bike to school.

ito school.

2)他走着到校。 he___to school.

he___to school

3)她乘公共汽车到校。 sheto school.

she___to school

she___to school___the bus.

4)tony开小汽车上班。tony___his car to work.

tony___to work___the car.

tony goes to work___car.

tony___to work.

5)他乘飞机去美国。heto america.

he goes to america

he goes to america

he___to america.

三。 按要求改写下列各句,每空一词。(10分)

1. the woman with the baby is walking into the shop. (就划线部分提问)

is walking into the shop?

2. he often has bread for breakfast. (改为一般疑问句)

he oftenbread for breakfast?

3. mr wilson goes to work by bus every day. (改为同义句)

mr wilsonwork every day.

4. i go to see my uncle by boat. (就划线部分提问)

you go to see your uncle?

5. she likes going to school on foot. (改为同义句)

she likesschool.

6. he takes a bus to school every day. =he __to school

7. she went to his friend’s birthday party by car.

sheher car __his friend’s birthday party.

8. after a quick breakfast, i went to school at once.

after h**ing breakfasti went to school at once.

9. tom walks to school every morning

tom goes to schoolevery morning.

10. he left for beijing by plane to h**e a meeting last week.

hebeijing to h**e a meeting.

11. he goes to school by bus every day. =he goes to schoolthe bus everyday.

12. how do you like this kind of transportation?

do youthis kind of transportation?

13. my mother got them yesterday from the post office.(改为一般疑问句)

___your mother __them yesterday from the post office?

14. i think they would come tonight. (改为否定句)

i __think they __come tonight.

15. they are ****** birthday cards for brian.(对画线部分提问)

what __they __for brain?

16. my group’s f**orite subject is physical education. (对画线部分提问)

___f**orite subject __physical education?

17. we h**e lived in this neighborhood for two years. (对画线部分提问)

h**e you lived in this neighborhood?

18. the woman with the baby is walking into the shop. (就划线部分提问)

is walking into the shop?

19. he often has bread for breakfast. (改为一般疑问句)

___he oftenbread for breakfast?

20. mr wilson goes to work by bus every day. (改为同义句)

mr wilsonwork every day.

21. i go to see my uncle by boat. (就划线部分提问)

you go to see your uncle?

22. she likes going to school on foot. (改为同义句)

she likesschool.

23. i also go to the cinema. (改为否定句)

i __go to the cinema

24. last saturday my mother bought me a new watch. (改为同义句)


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