
发布 2022-12-21 18:36:28 阅读 4865

八年级下unit1 topic3 many things can affect our feelings

语法:使役动词(make 和let)后面的to 必须省略。

make 的三种句型。

it makes me feel nervous. make sb v原使/让sb做某事。

your classmates make you monitor. make sb n选sb为某职位。

yellow can make me confident. make sb adj 使sb处于某种状态。

let 的2种句型。

let’s prepare for it. let’s v原。 让某人做某事。

the doctor lets mike rest for a few days. sb let sb v原某人让别人做某事。

单词。1. ill(adj)—illness (n)

2. sad (adj)--sadness (n)

3. noise (n)--noisy (adj)

4. wife---husband boss---worker headmaster—teacher

5. classmate schoolmate workmate

6. passport

7. active 区分 activity

8. earthquake

9. topic

词组。1. listen to me. 听我说。

2. calm down

3. follow the doctor’s advice(不可数名词)

4. reassure sb

5. sb feel bored boring cds

6. bring sb sth=bring sth to sb

7. cheer sb up 振作 cheer sb on 加油。

8. make sb sleepy (adj昏昏欲睡的) (make sb adj) fall asleep (adj睡着了)

9. miss lessons耽误课程。

10. learm sth by oneself =teach oneself sth 自学。

11. give the speech 做报告做演讲。

12. be happy for sb 为sb感到高兴be sorry for sb为sb感到难过。

13. affect our moods

14. get along well with our schoolmates

15. be in a bad mood be in a good mood

16. give sb a surprise= give a surprise to sb 给sb一个惊喜。

17. try to smile at life 尽力笑对人生。

18. be afraid = don’t be afraid

19. on one’s way home---on the way home on the way to school—on one’s way to school

20. be with sb

21. h**e sad thoughts

22. get together with sb= h**e a get-together with sb

23. fill with tears= be full of tears

24. **ie sb energy

25. stay in good spirits 保存好心情。

26. such as

27. get help from magazines

句子。1. maybe i h**e sars.= i may h**e sars. 得非典。maybe + juzi. may 是情态动词+v原。

2. how long h**e you felt like this?= how long h**e you been like this?

3. i think i am dying. 我认为我就要死了。

4. i am afraid of taking bitter medicine. 喝苦(液体)药= i am afraid to take bitter medicine.

5. i am worried about the tests at the end of the month.(月底)

6. we can take turns to help you with your lessons. take turns to do sth 轮流做某事 help sb with sth= help sb (to) do sth eg.

i help you with your english= i help you to study english.

7. we can put on a short play(上演短剧), just as(就像,连词+句子) we often do at the english corner(在英语角).

8. you see a snake lying on the road. see sb doing 看到某人正做某事 see sb do 看到某人做完某事或事情的全过程。

9. especially the full moon is hanging in the sky on mid-autumn festival.

10. it is too noisy for me to fall asleep. it is adj for sb to do sth.

11. it is important for us to be in a good mood.

12. the sun shines brightly.

13. green is the color of nature.

14. think it over(仔细考虑) before ****** an important decision(做一个重要决定)

15. get back to(回归到) your daily activities. it will help you bring back(带回) a sense of happiness(一种快乐的感觉).


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