发布 2022-12-24 19:19:28 阅读 2460

一、i’m going to play basketball.

将来时:be going to do sth. 表示主观打算、计划、安排或有迹象要发生的动作。

at the black clouds over think it is going to rain soon.(有迹象发生)

is going to be an english report this week.(计划安排)

going to study hard for my examination.(主观打算)

二、i hope our team will win.

1.将来时:will do sth. 表示临时起意、正式通知、客观要发生的事情。

eg 1.——where is the telephone book?

——i will get it for you.(临时起意)

eg will be a he**y rain to the south of huai river.(正式通知)

eg will be april fool’a day.(客观要发生)


2.一般来说,be going to do表示较近的将来,will do表示较远的将来。

is going to snow tonight. there will be a strong wind in a few days.

hope/wish to do sth. hope/wish to get more money this year.

hope/wish for sth. mother hope/wish for health.

hope that (wish 也可以,不过用到虚拟语气换时态,初中阶段用hope。)

i hope so. i hope not.

wish sb. to do sth. wish you to give me all your money.

wish sth. you wish a pen or a book?(你要的是笔还是书?)

i wish you success.(接双宾语)

三、i often saw you play basketball during the summer holiday.

sb. do sth.(看见某人做过某事) see sb. 看见某人正在做某事)

basketball/baseball/soccer/tennis/badminton etc.

时间段 slept late during summer holiday.

四、would you like to come and cheer us on?

cheer sb. on 为某人加油鼓劲。

cheer sb. up 是某人振奋精神 cheered himself up after he lost his cat.

五、which sport do you prefer,swimming or rowing?


prefer sth./doing sth. prefer shopping.

prefer (sb.) to do sth. parents prefer me to study all day.

prefer a to b. prefer the good one to the bad one.

prefer to do a rather than do b. prefers to play outside rather than stay here.

wouldratherdo a thandob. would rather let you play games than listen to me.

woulddoa ratherthandob. would sleep rather than eat.

六、what are you going to be when you grow up?


1 if条件句中,if从句可放前、中、后。从句表示可能,主句用将来时;从句表示现实,主句现在时。

eg. ifitrainstomorrow,wewillnotgotothezoo.

eg. wecanwalkthereifwecan'tfindabus.

unless 除非,若不,除非在…的时候。

eg. .supposing 假设,如果(引导的条件从句表示一种假设条件。)

eg. supposingitrains,shallwecontinuethesportsmeeting?

七、she spends half an hour exercising in the gym every day.

spend time/money on sth. eg. kitty spends two hours on her homework every day.

spend time/money (in) doing sth. eg. they spent 4450 yuan buying the big colour tv set.

spend money for sth. spent all my money for this comic book.

(doing)sth. cost(s) sb. time/money. eg. the computer cost (me) $2000.

it takes (sb.) time/money to do sth. eg. it took me an hour to write the letter.

(doing)sth. take(s) sb. time/money. takes me a long time.

八、she is going to take part in the high jump and the long jump.

take part in=join in=be in+活动。

join+组织 want to join the youth league.

九、he arrived in beijing with his teammates yesterday.

arrive at+小地方。

arrive in+大地方。

get to=reach

le**e for(离开去)


f**orite=like sth. best

play for sth.(为…效力) play against sb.(与…对抗)

grow up(成长,长大)

be good at (doing)=do well in+sth.

be sure to do=be sure of/about (doing)sth.=be sure that

be popular with/among

be good/bad for

be a good way to do sth.

keep fit=keep healthy

help (to) do sth. help do sth.=help sb. with sth.


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