
发布 2022-12-21 03:56:28 阅读 2740

unit 4 why don’t you talk to your parents?

section a-3 p27


学习并掌握 p27新单词及重点短语。

eg. get on with ,argue, instead, explain, communicate….,课前延伸:预习词汇和课文,解决不会读的单词。

授课过程。step 1. 复习回顾 ,补全对话:

a: you look sad

b: ben hurt my neck and i am angry with him

a: you should tell her to say sorry.

ba: no problem..

step and finish 3a .

step3. read and complete the blanks:(根据汉语提示完成句子)

problem is that i can’t和睦相处) my family.

2关系)between my parents h**e become difficult.

3. it’s the only交流,交际) they h**e.

4. when they争吵),it’s like a big black __云朵) hanging over our home.

my __年长的)brother is not very nice to me.

6相反)he watches无论什么)he wants until late.

always feel lonely and紧张).

don’t you sit down and于…沟通,交流)your brother.

should解释) that you don’t mind him watching tv all the time.

step 4. read again , finish 3b and 3c.

step 5.精讲点拨:

一.**i don’t think that….,的用法。

1. i don’t think (that) this is fair .我认为这不公平。

2. i don’t think barton is a bad boy,我认为巴顿不是个坏孩子。

总结:通过以上两个句子,我知道i don’t think that ….宾语从句意思是:

从形式上看don’t 否定主句的谓语动词think,但意义上否定的是从句的谓语动词,这种现象被称为“否定前置”


1, 我认为他不会打篮球。

2, 我认为她不正确。

拓展:当think,believe, expect, suppose, imagine等词后跟宾语从句,且主句是第一人称i或we时,从句要表达否定意义时,则将否定词转移到主句上而从句要用肯定形式。

如; 我相信他是不会完成这份工作的。

ibelieve)that he canfinish) this work.

二,辨析like 和 as

i ‘m going to be a super star like michael jackson,我要成为像迈克杰克逊一样的超级明星。

i should study hard as a student.


总结:通过以上两个句子我们了解到, like的意思是。


堂清练习 单项选择:

1. the workers will build a new railroadthe two cities.

a. until b. between c. as d. during

2. we h**e no coffee. let’s h**e tea___

a. either b. however c. yet d. instead

3. the little boy __his seat to an old lady on the bus.

a. take b. offered c. look after d. brought

4. why don’t youan english club to practice __english?

a. to join; to speak; b. join; speaking;

c. join; to speakd to join; speaking.

5. tigers wait(等待)__it is dark, then go out to find their food.

a. until b. as c. because d. so that

6. -i think drinking milk every morning is good __our health.

---i agree __you.

a. to; to b. with; to c. at; with d. for; with

7. the teacher speaks very loudlyall the students can hear her.

a. so that b. because c. since d. when

课后作业:1. 完成课本p27 --4a /4b

2. 背诵p27单词及句型 。

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