
发布 2022-12-19 10:38:28 阅读 5033











. 听句子,选择正确**。每个句子读一遍。(5分)

. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读两遍。(15分)

)6. a. yes, you canb. no, thanksc. no, you needn’t.

( )7. a. i think sob. i am afraid i can’tc. see you.

( )8. a. animalsb. animals or plantsc. yes, i prefer animals.

)9. a. she was singing. b. he was visiting a museum. c. he played football.

)10. a. i’m sorry to hear thatb. great.

c. never mind.

. 听对话,选择正确答案。每组对话读两遍。(5分)

)11. a. because the air in the countryside is fresher.

b. because he wants to visit his grandparents.

c. because many people go there.

)12. a. yes, she doesb. no, she doesn’tc. we don’t know.

)13. a. they’re beautifulb. animals live there.

c. they are becoming smaller and smaller.

)14. a. meatb. bambooc. tomatoes.

)15. a. we should keep calm first.

b. we should jump off a window.

c. we should run here and there.

. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分)

)16. how was the weather last sunday?

a. sunnyb. rainyc. windy.

)17. where did kate come back from?

a. tianjinb. shanghaic. beijing.

)18. were maria and kate at home?

a. yes, they wereb. no, they weren’t. c. we don’t know.

)19. where did kate visit?

a. the palace museum. b. the great wall. c. both a and b.

)20. what did maria and kate h**e for lunch?

a. noodlesb. ricec. bread.




)21. —would you mind turning down the music?

please. b. you’re welcome. c. of course not. d sure

)22. —sorry, doctor smith isn’t here right now.

—may i __a message on his desk?

b. le**e c. h**e d bring

)23 — could you __me your bike, please?

— sorry, i’m using it. you can borrow jack’s.

a. lentb. borrowc. lend d keep

( )24 i___for an english test when she came in at this time of yesterday.

b. am studying c. was studying d study

( )25you writeyou make .

a the carefuler, the few mistake b the more careful , the few mistake

c the more carefully, the fewer mistakes d the more careful , the fewer mistakes

)26 — how many students are there in your school?

students, i think.

a thousand of b. two thousands c. two thousand thousands of

( )27 — look at these flowers.

beautiful they are!

a how b. do c. what d. which

( )28. after hard work, he felttired to walk.

b. to c. too d. very

)29. _is good __your health.

a. walk, tob. walking, to c. to walk , with d. walking, for

)30. don’t drink __water. there is no washroom on the bus.

a. too muchb. much tooc. too many d. many too

( )31. don’t forget __the door when you le**e.

closingc. to close d. closed

)32. if it __tomorrow, we will h**e a picnic in the park.

a. won’t rain b. doesn’t rainc. isn’t rain d. don’t rain

( )33. he speaks english __than any other student in his class.

b. well c. best d good

) 34. it’s difficult __this work today.

a to finish b. finished c. finishing d finishes

( )35. you’d betterit’s bad for your eyes.

a. not read in the sunb. not play basketball

c. work on the net for long d read in the sun



sam is a 9-year-old dog. he has a 36 : painting.

the hobby not only makes him famous, but also makes him 37 .


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